Leverage a tool built for DPI NPM captures packet-level data across your network by accessing managed Windows devices and drawing on installed sensors. It then translates this data into readable, real-time metrics. The system uses minimal bandwidth, requiring low overhead on Orion servers and node...
深度数据包检测(DPI) 是一种基于应用层的流量检测和控制技术,企业和互联网服务提供商 (ISP) 经常使用...
DPI is also a helpful tool for managers who want to better handle network traffic, easing the burden on the system. If there is a high-priority message, DPI can be used to ensure that it passes through right away. In this way, the most important messages can be given preference. ...
华为的深度包检测技术(Deep Packet Inspection, DPI) 是一种先进的网络管理和安全技术,它允许网络运营商和服务提供商深入检查经过网络的数据包。这项技术不仅能识别数据流量的类型,还能提供更深层次的数据包内容分析。以下是对华为DPI技术的详细分析: 技术原理:DPI技术通过深入分析数据包的头部和有效载荷(payload)来识别...
DPI(Deep Packet Inspection)深度包检测技术是在传统IP数据包检测技术(OSI L2-L4之间包含的数据包元素的检测分析)之上增加了对应用层数据的应用协议识别,数据包内容检测与深度解码。 通过对网络通讯的原始数据包捕获,DPI技术可使用其三大类的检测手段:基于应用数据的“特征值”检测、基于应用层协议的识别检测、基于行为...
DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) 深度包检测技术 详解DPI与网络回溯分析技术 随着网络通讯技术进步与发展,网络通讯已跨入大数据时代,如何监控各类业务系统的通讯数据在大数据流量中传输质量,以及针对海量的网络通讯数据的范畴中存在少量的恶意流量的检测,避免恶意通讯对主机、网络设备的root权限的安全威胁,和通讯内容的窃取。
DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) 深度包检测技术 一、DPI 技术产生的背景 近年来,网络新业务层出不穷,有对等网络(Peer-to-Peer,简称 P2P)、VoIP、流媒体、Web TV、音视频聊天、互动在线游戏和虚拟现实等。这些新业务的普及为运营商吸纳了大量的客户资源,同时也对网络的底层流量模型和上层应用模式产生了很大的冲击,...
Deep packet inspection tools and techniques in commodity platforms: Challenges and trends, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35, 1863-1878.R.Antonello, S.Fernandes, C.Kamienski, D.Sadok, J.Kelner, I.Go´dor, G.Szabo´, and T.Westholm, "Deep packet inspection tools and ...
nDPI® is an open source LGPLv3 library for deep-packet inspection. Based on OpenDPI it includes ntop extensions. We have tried to push them into the OpenDPI source tree but nobody answered emails, so we have decided to create our own source tree ...
Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Software Toolkit networktraffic-analysisdpicybersecurityndpideep-packet-inspection UpdatedNov 1, 2024 C xvzc/SpoofDPI Sponsor Star3.7k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A simple and fast anti-censorship tool written in Go ...