Genomic prediction is a promising technology for advancing both plant and animal breeding, with many different prediction models evaluated in the literature. It has been suggested that the ability of powerful nonlinear models such as deep neural networks to capture complex epistatic effects between ...
DNNGP: Deep neural network for genomic prediction Data used in the papers' example-data.tgz 'can be found in the package The original data download address is as follows: maize: ...
The final section of the results asks whether the prediction model could analyze disease-derived transcriptional data. Accurate and robust prediction of the expression level of target genes using deep neural transcription factor networks To optimize the applied Deep Neural Network (DNN) performance, we...
scGraph: A graph neural network-based approach to automatically identify cell types 2022, Bioinformatics OpenAnnotate: A web server to annotate the chromatin accessibility of genomic regions 2021, Nucleic Acids Research View all citing articles on Scopus Peer review under responsibility of Beijing Instit...
The first phase of DeepProg is composed of dimension reduction and feature transformation using custom rank normalizations and auto-encoders, a type of deep neural-network. It uses “modularized” design for auto encoders, where each data type is modeled by one auto encoder, to allow flexibilit...
The first phase of DeepProg is composed of dimension reduction and feature transformation using custom rank normalizations and auto-encoders, a type of deep neural-network. It uses “modularized” design for auto encoders, where each data type is modeled by one auto encoder, to allow flexibilit...
We present EP-DNN, a protocol for predicting enhancers based on chromatin features, in different cell types. Specifically, we use a deep neural network (DNN)-based architecture to extract enhancer signatures in a representative human embryonic stem cell
声明原文参考:Jim Clauwaert, Gerben Menschaert, Willem Waegeman, DeepRibo: a neural network for precise gene annotation of prokaryotes by combining ribosome profiling signal and binding site patterns,Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 47, Issue 6, 08 April 2019, Page e36,https://061 ...
Here, we present a novel algorithm, DeepImpute, as the next generation imputation method for scRNA-seq data. DeepImpute is short for “Deep neural network Imputation”. As reflected by the name, it belongs to the class of deep neural-network models [27,28,29]. Recent years, deep neural ne...
is read from the center, which shows the output node with the prediction of the neural network. The inner ring represents the last layer with the highest-level pathways, followed by the mid-level pathways, and finally the lowest-level pathways. The gene and SNP layer are omitted for clarity...