MATLAB makes it easy to create and modify deep neural networks. These videos outline how to use the Deep Network Designer app, a point-and-click tool that lets you interactively work with your deep neural networks.
a function handle. For loss functions that require more inputs than the predictions and targets (for example, loss functions that require access to the neural network or additional inputs), train the model using a custom training loop. To learn more, seeTrain Network Using Custom Training Loop...
Use an rlNeuralNetworkEnvironment object to create a reinforcement learning environment that computes state transitions using deep neural networks.
Quantize deep neural network to 8-bit scaled integer data types Since R2020a expand all in page Description Use the Deep Network Quantizer app to reduce the memory requirement of a deep neural network by quantizing weights, biases, and activations of layers to 8-bit scaled integer data types....
Music exists in almost every society, has universal acoustic features, and is processed by distinct neural circuits in humans even with no experience of musical training. However, it remains unclear how these innate characteristics emerge and what functi
In this study, we propose a 3D deep neural network called U-ReSNet, a joint framework that can accurately register and segment medical volumes. The proposed network learns to automatically generate linear and elastic deformation models, trained by minimizing the mean square error and the local ...
Deutsch CK, Shell AR, Francis RW, Bird BD. The Farkas system of craniofacial anthropometry: Methodology and normative databases. In: Preedy VR, ed. Handbook of Anthropometry: Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease. New York, NY: Springer New York; 2012...
analyzeNetwork(net) Investigate and fix the errors in the network. In this example, the following issues cause the errors: The network has inputs that are not connected to an input layer. This is not a requirement for a valid neural network, but for networks with inputs that are not conn...
You can take a pretrained image classification neural network that has already learned to extract powerful and informative features from natural images and use it as a starting point to learn a new task. The majority of the pretrained neural networks are trained on a subset of the ImageNet data...
Deep Network Designer is a point-and-click tool for creating and modifyingdeep neural networks. This video shows a step-by-step method for building a version of ResNet-18, a popular pretrained model for deep learning. It outlines how to check for errors in connections and property a...