Thus, considering these genes to be expressed in a cell type-specific manner, DISCERN is able to reconstruct the mean expression for all cell types, achieving a correlation\(r = 0.99\)(Fig.2A). DCA (\(r = 0.66\)), MAGIC (\(r = 0.34\)), scImpute (\(r = 0.80\)), DeepImpute\(...
In total, the dataset contains 9852 samples collected in two phases from 416 donors, out of which 79 are healthy. For training DISCERN, bulk TPM counts and all cell types were used if not stated otherwise.covid-blood-severityThis dataset is an aggregation of three COVID-19 sequencing ...
I went to my local glass / mirror centre, having given them the measurements and told them what it was for, they strongly recommended I got toughened glass. This is a service they offer but there was a week delay. Having collected my new piece of toughened glass it was time to make th...
master BranchesTags Code Awesome Deep Learning Table of Contents Free Online Books Courses Papers You can also find the most cited deep learning papers fromhere Tutorials Have anything in mind that you think is awesome and would fit in this list? Feel free to send apull request. ...
The washing solutions were pooled with the collected peptides. Samples were dried at 45 °C on a vacuum drier and stored at −80 °C until MS acquisition. DIA of native-PAGE separated AP samples The DIP-MS samples were acquired in DIA mode with a Q Exactive Plus Hybrid Quadrupole...
There has been considerable recent progress in protein structure prediction using deep neural networks to predict inter-residue distances from amino acid sequences1–3. Here we investigate whether the information captured by such networks is sufficiently
Among them, dataset A and dataset E are collected from CWRU and KAt datasets, respectively, with the same operating condition on training and test data. It can be concluded from the previous study that it is more difficult to classify the datasets with different operating conditions on training...
For this demo, I am usingPalmer Penguins data. The data were collected and made available byDr. Kristen GormanandPalmer Station, Antarctica, LTER. Here we are saving the data as “Penguin data.csv” allisonhorst/palmerpenguins The goal of palmerpenguins is to provide a great datase...
We use data collected in 329.1 live-days of detector operation between May 2011 and March 2012. The analysis focuses on identifying particle cascades produced by neutral or charged current neutrino interactions occurring inside the DeepCore sub-array of IceCube, being thus sensitive to all flavours....
Liver-associated mononuclear cells were collected from living healthy donors after portal flush using cold preservation solution following removal of the right lobe of donor’s liver. Collection was performed according to the standard protocol preceding liver transplantation22. The study was approved by ...