Deep Linking in PowerAppsBy Mehdi Slaoui Andaloussi June 8, 2017 Categories Learning A common scenario when building apps is to enable deep linking into specific screens within your application. In the example below, we have a catalogue of devices that you can browse, look at the detail ...
ms-apps:///providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apps/<appID>?tenantId=<tenantId>&restartApp=true ParameterDescription <app-id>Opens the correct app module. <tenantId>Connects to the correct tenant. restartApp=trueRestarts the canvas app, needed to ensure parameters are passed when the app is already ...
In this article I am going to explain how to provide a link which will help to navigate a specific screen of your application in PowerApps from email body.
Deep links let users move from one application to another on computers and mobile devices. For example, a mobile app can deep link to Facebook to sign in. Deep linking an email address could open an email app to allow users to start composing a message. A website could use a deep link...
ms-apps:///providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apps/<appID>?tenantId=<tenantId>&restartApp=true ParameterDescription <app-id>Opens the correct app module. <tenantId>Connects to the correct tenant. restartApp=trueRestarts the canvas app, needed to ensure parameters are passed when the app is already ...
ms-apps:///providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apps/<appID>?tenantId=<tenantId>&restartApp=true ParameterDescription <app-id>Opens the correct app module. <tenantId>Connects to the correct tenant. restartApp=trueRestarts the canvas app, needed to ensure parameters are passed when the app is already ...
ms-apps:///providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apps/<appID>?tenantId=<tenantId>&restartApp=true ParameterDescription <app-id>Opens the correct app module. <tenantId>Connects to the correct tenant. restartApp=trueRestarts the canvas app, needed to ensure parameters are passed when the app is already ...
If deeplinks are opening in a browser instead of directly in Power Apps mobile, make sure your MDM policies and device settings are appropriately configured.As an example, on some Android devices, go to Settings > Apps > Power Apps > Open by default and add to make ...
If deeplinks are opening in a browser instead of directly in Power Apps mobile, make sure your MDM policies and device settings are appropriately configured.As an example, on some Android devices, go to Settings > Apps > Power Apps > Open by default and add to make ...
ms-apps:///providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apps/<appID>?tenantId=<tenantId>&restartApp=trueTabelle erweitern ParameterDescription <App-ID> Öffnet das richtige App-Modul. <tenantId> Stellt eine Verbindung mit dem richtigen Mandanten her. restartApp=true Startet die Canvas-App neu. Dies ist ...