1.把text看作词袋模型的前馈神经网络(Feed-forward networks view text as a bag of words) 2.基于Rnn的模型把text看作单词序列并且捕获单词的独立性和text的结构(RNN-based models view text as a sequence of words,and are intended to capture word dependencies and text structure) 3.基于CNN的模型训练识...
论文题目:A Survey of Deep Learning-Based Object Detection 作者&团队:Licheng Jiao , Fan Zhang , Fang Liu , Shuyuan Yang , Lingling Li , Zhixi Feng , Rong Qu 发表期刊: IEEE Access 影响因子:3.9(SCI 3区) 原文地址:https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.0940 Abstract 1、本文主要介绍了经典的目标检测算...
基于深度学习的自然语言处理(Deep Learning-based Natural Language Processing) ,引言自然语言处理(NaturalLanguageProcessing,NLP)是人工智能领域中一个重要的研究方向。随着深度学习技术的快速发展,基于深度学习的自然语言处理方法逐渐成为主流。本文将介绍深度学
17年的《Use of deep learning in modern recommendation system: A summary of recent works》将基于深度学习的推荐系统分为协同过滤,基于内容,混合方法三类。19年的《Deep learning based recommender system: A survey and new perspectives》更进一步讨论了SOTA方法,包括几种基于RNN的序列推荐算法。18年的《Sequence...
文献学习:Deep learning-based rapid generation of broadly reactive antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and i... 针对SARS-CoV-2变体的广泛反应性抗体可以通过深度学习生成。 一个基于反向卷积神经网络(ACNN)的深度学习框架:交叉反应性B细胞受体网络(XBCR-net)可以直接从单细胞BCR序列中预测抗SARS-CoV-2和其变体的...
info: Meng Z , Wang M , Bai J ,et al.Interpreting Deep Learning-Based Networking Systems[C]//SIGCOMM '20: Annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication.ACM, 2020.DOI:10.1145/33...
Deep learning-based personality recognition from text posts of online social networks 阅读笔记 文章目录 一、摘要 二、模型过程 1.文本预处理 1.1 文本切分 1.2 文本统一 2. 基于统计的特征提取 2.1 提取特殊的语言统计特征 2.2 提取基于字典的语言特征...
Deep Learning based Recommender System 综述 theory of deep learning,目录DNNCNNDNNVSCNNExample卷积的好处whyconvolution?DCNN卷积核移动的步长stride激活函数activefunction通道channel补零padding参数计算池化层Poolinglayer池化层的超参数:池化层的类型:全连接层F
This study thus designs a deep learning-based mental health monitoring scheme (DL-MHMS) for college students. This model uses the most efficient convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify the mental health status as positive, negative, and normal using the EEG signals collected from college ...