本文以deeplearning.ai上的 ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers 课程为例,通过下载视频和字幕、使用LLama3和反思策略翻译字幕、然后使用 ChatTTS 将字幕转换为流畅的普通话,最终通过 FFmpeg 将字幕、音频和视频合并在一起。你或许会有疑问为什么我的TTS说话如此流畅,音色如此统一?且听我娓娓道来。如何下载视频和...
Those with speech difficulties and deaf people require a way of connecting with the rest of the world. Some normal people are unable to recognize the symptoms of handicapped people. This results in the objective of our endeavor to convert sign language gestures into text that individuals of ...
肝了4天,我用ChatTTS和LLM让deeplearning.ai课程说上流畅中文 我们都知道外网上有很多优秀的视频教程平台,比如 Coursera 和 deeplearning.ai。尤其是后者,由吴恩达老师与OpenAI、Langchain、LlamaIndex、AutoGen等公司和作者合作,推出了一系列广受好评的LLM教程,如Prompt Engineering、Langchain教程、LlamaIndex教程和AutoGe...
DeepL支持的语言范围较广,包括英语、德语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、荷兰语、波兰语、俄语以及部分亚洲语言如日语和中文(简体)等。 DeepL的网页版翻译服务(DeepL Translator)支持以下几种翻译方式: 1. 文本翻译:用户可以将需要翻译的文本粘贴到网页中的文本框里,选择目标语言后,点击翻译按钮即可获得翻译结果。 2. ...
DeepL 翻译(英语:DeepL Translator)是 2017 年 8 月由总部 位于德国科隆的 DeepL GmbH(一家由 Linguee 支持的创业公 司)推出的免费神经机器翻译服务。评论家对于它的评价普 遍正面,认为它的翻译比起 Google 翻译更为准确自然。 DeepL 目前支持保加利亚语、简体中文、捷克语、丹麦语、 荷兰语、英语(美式或英式)、...
Linguee +AI=DeepL Translator For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! ▾ Dictionary English-ChineseUnder construction deepadj— 深adj · 深厚adj · 深厚的adj · 深深adj · 深度adj · 深入adj · 深刻adj · 有...深的adj ...
This example shows how to load and preprocess text data to train a German to English language translator, define the encoder and decoder networks, train the model using a custom training loop, and generate translations using beam search.
This is a Chinese tutorial which is translated from DeepLearning 0.1 documentation. And in this tutorial, all algorithms and models are coded by Python and Theano. Theano is a famous third-party library, and allows coder to use GPU or CPU to run his Python code....
In 2018 Microsoft developed a deep learning translation system which for the first time achieved the same level oftranslation qualityand accuracy as a human translator on the Chinese–English News dataset. These achievements manifest the power of deep learning from different aspects, and also lay a...
Deep Learning 中文翻译 经过3个多月,我们终于完成了翻译草稿。当然这是草稿中的草稿,我们会不断改进,就像梯度下降一样,要迭代好几轮才能找到一个不错的解。 目前的版本是直译版,尽可能地保留原书中的每一个字。如 Inventors have long dreamed of creating machines that think. This desire dates back to at...