这里通过分块来实现矩阵乘法,分块的原理和分块加速的原因在 Lecture 12 都讲过了,此处不再赘述,笔记在:[[《CMU 10-414 deep learning system》学习笔记#Lecture 12]]。 void MatmulTiled(const AlignedArray& a, const AlignedArray& b, AlignedArray* out, uint32_t m, uint32_t n, uint32_t p) {...
https://www.zhouxin.space/notes/notes-on-cmu-10-414-deep-learning-system/www.zhouxin.space/notes/notes-on-cmu-10-414-deep-learning-system/ Lecture 1: Introduction and Logistics 课程的目标 本课程的目标是学习现代深度学习系统,了解包括自动微分、神经网络架构、优化以及GPU上的高效操作在内的技术...
CMU《深度学习导论|CMU 11785 introduction to deep learning Spring 2024》中英字幕(deepseek)共计28条视频,包括:[01]IDL Spring 2024_ Lecture 0 - Logistics.zh_en、[02]IDL Spring 2024 _ Lecture 1.zh_en、[03]IDL Spring 2024_ Lecture 2.zh_en等,UP主更多精彩视
本文记录了《CMU 10-414/714 Deep Learning System》配套 Assignments 的完成过程和对应笔记,包括 6 个 hw,从头实现一个深度学习框架,并利用常见网络模型,包括 CNN、RNN、Transformer。实验环境为 Ubuntu 24 @ WSL2。所有代码上传至 cmu10-414-assignments: cmu10-414-assignments,如官网撤包,可通...
斯坦福大学《强化学习|Stanford CS234 Reinforcement Learning Winter 2019》中英字幕(豆包翻译 CMU《深度学习系统|CMU 10-414714 Deep Learning Systems 2022 fall》中英字幕 UCB《机器学习导论|CS 189/289A Introduction to Machine Learning Fall2024》claude-3.5 斯坦福大学《深度多任务与元学习|Stanford CS330 Deep ...
README CMU 10-714 Deep Learning Systems 课程主页:Deep Learning Systems (dlsyscourse.org) 我的知乎专栏:深度学习系统 - 知乎 (zhihu.com) ASSIGNMENT Homework 0:零-从 0 实现 MNIST 手写数字识别 - 知乎 (zhihu.com) Homework 1:壹-实现计算图与自动求导 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)About...
$ git clone https://github.com/cmudeeplearning11785/cmudl $ cd cmudl $ pip install -e . Utilities Process submission for hw2p2 To process your hw2p2 predictions for submission to the Kaggle competition. This assumes your submission file is a serialized ndarray (npy format) with shape (num...
https://github.com/cmudeeplearning11785/deep-learning-tutorials/blob/master/recitation-3/recitation3.ipynb https://blog.csdn.net/shuzfan/article/detai
To tackle this challenge, we introduce CMU DeepLens, a new fully automated galaxy-galaxy lens finding method based on Deep Learning. This supervised machine learning approach does not require any tuning after the training step which only requires realistic image simulations of strongly lensed systems....
Machine learning has proven to be a very effective tool in automatic speech recognition. This paper is an attempt to give a broad overview of the applications of various approaches of machine learning in speech recognition with special reference to deep learning and CMU Sphinx. Deep learning in ...