路线图在Github上,地址是: GitHub - songrotek/Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap: Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech! 以下是截图: 希望对大家有所帮助!
深度学习论文阅读路线图. Contribute to Joegxx/Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap development by creating an account on GitHub.
0000:Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap 偶然间, 发现了昵称为 songrotek 的学霸在 GitHub 发布了他整理的深度学习paper路线图,一个收获了近万颗星星好评,人气极高的项目.分门别类梳理了新入门者最需要学习的 DL 论文,又按重要程度给每篇论文打上星星。 === 作为深度学习萌新,你的第一个问题或许是:“论文...
the basic architectures of Deep Learning model(including CNN, RNN, LSTM) and how deep learning can be applied to image and speech recognition issues. The following papers will take you in-depth understanding of the Deep Learning method, Deep Learning in different areas of application and ...
Source:pythonprogramming.net/neural-networks-machine-learning-tutorial If you are a newcomer to the Deep Learning area, the first question you may have is "Which paper should I start reading from?" Here is a reading roadmap of Deep Learning papers!
Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap: [1] LeCun, Yann, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoffrey Hinton. "Deep learning." (2015)(Three Giants' Survey) Review 机器学习在当下有很多应用:从网络搜索的内容过滤到电商的商品推荐,以及在手持设备相机和智能手机上的应用。机器学习系统用来做图像识别,语音转换,推送符合用户...
1. 2017版教程资源Over 150 ofthe Best Machine Learning, NLP, and Python Tutorials I’ve Found(150多个最好的与机器学习,自然语言处理和Python相关的教程) 英文: https://medium.com/machine-learning-in-practice/over-150-of-the-best-machine-learning-nlp-and-python-tutorials-ive-found-ffce2939bd78 ...
The paper also describes deep learning libraries along with the platform and interface in which they can be used. The accuracy is evaluated with respect to various machine learning and deep learning models on the MNIST dataset. The evaluation shows classification on deep learning model is far ...
Study Road Map first understand the traditional word embedding technology and new word embedding technology then explore the application that can be done with these word embedding technology Word embedding (feature extraction) application what application does NLP have that related to NN ??