图级别循环神经网络 在图级RNNs中,不是将一个RNNs用于每个节点来学习节点状态,而是将单个RNN用于整个图以对图状态进行编码。 You等人将图RNN用于图生成问题,他们采用了两种RNN,一种生成新节点,另一种以自回归方式为新添加的节点生成变,这种分层RNN架构比传统的基于规则的图生成模型更有效地从输入图中学习,同时具有...
《Deep Learning on Graphs: A Survey》。 Zhang Z, Cui P, Zhu W. Deep learning on graphs: A survey[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020. 18年的一篇GNN综述,读完之后,感觉GCN那一部分对我帮助还不小,帮我理清了脉络,也可能是因为之前把《Graph Representation Learning》这本...
Accelerated model development: Ship deep learning solutions faster thanks to the high-level UX of Keras and the availability of easy-to-debug runtimes like PyTorch or JAX eager execution. State-of-the-art performance: By picking the backend that is the fastest for your model architecture (often...
Deep Learning on Point Sets 网络模型的结构受点云集合 \mathbb{R}^n 性质的启发而得到 Properties of Point Sets in \mathbb{R}^n 输入来自欧几里得空间的点的子集,他们含有下面三种主要的性质: 无序性:与图像像素数组或者体积网格中的体素数组不同的是,点云是没有特定顺序的点的集合。换句话说,对于一个...
DeepSpeed hands on deep dive:part 1,part 2,part 3 FAQ Microsoft Research Webinar Registration is free and all videos are available on-demand. ZeRO & Fastest BERT: Increasing the scale and speed of deep learning training in DeepSpeed.
Just sharing my top 10 deep learning experiences found recently that run on browsers. Enjoy the ride, no coding experience needed. Image related 1 Quick Draw A game where you are challenged to draw a something, e.g. a donut, and let the neural net guess what you are drawing. My first...
Learn how deep learning relates to machine learning and AI. In Azure Machine Learning, use deep learning models for fraud detection, object detection, and more.
How can I get you proficient with deep learning for computer vision as fast as possible?The Machine Learning Mastery method suggests that the best way of learning this material is by doing. This means the focus of the book is hands-on with projects and tutorials. This also means not ...
The Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit significantly streamlines this interface. Therefore, Intel IT has found it to be the most convenient and fastest way to deploy deep learning (in particular, deep neural networks) in the Microsoft* Windows environment. ...