深度学习平台 Deep Learning on QingCloud 基于强劲的 GPU 计算资源,搭载多个主流深度学习框架,可极速搭建深度学习开发环境,全面提速 AI 应用开发。
(PS:一切的前提,你需要有一张Nvidia显卡。我的显卡是 GT940MX) Tensorflow有两个版本:GPU和CPU版本,CPU的很好安装;GPU 版本需要 CUDA 和 cuDNN 的支持,如果你是独显+集显,那么推荐你用GPU版本的,因为GPU对矩阵运算有很好的支持,会加速程序执行!并且CUDA是Nvidia下属的程序,所以你的GPU最好是Nvidia的,AMD的显卡...
Deep Learning with Big Data on CPUs, GPUs, in Parallel, and on the Cloud 神经网络本质上是并行算法。 您可以通过使用Parallel Computing Toolbox™在多核CPU,图形处理单元(GPU)以及具有多个CPU和GPU的计算机集群之间分配培训,从而利用这种并行性。 训练深度网络需要大量的计算,通常您可以使用高性能GPU来加速训练。
This technical report is an addendum to our survey paper, "A Survey of Deep Learning on CPUs: Opportunities and Co-optimizations", published in IEEE TNNLS 2021. In this technical report, we discuss deep learning on CPUs in heterogeneous computing scenarios. Specifically, we discuss heterogeneous ...
自QingCloud DeepLearning 推出以来,吸引了很多用户。深度学习框架本身都在比较快的更新,例如 TensorFlow 基本每个月都会有版本更新。除了深度学习框架自身的版本及其 CPU/GPU 版的区分外,CUDA 及 cuDNN 也区分不同版本,再加上 Python 的不同版本,使得配置深度学习开发及部署环境异常复杂。
[CI] make pre-commit hooks to run on every push instead of every comm… Sep 1, 2021 CMakeLists.txt [REFACTOR] Followup cleanup of relay phase out (#17681) Feb 26, 2025 CONTRIBUTORS.md [Community] update contributors (#17450) Oct 9, 2024 ...
It has support for both training and inference, with automatic conversion to embedded platforms with TensorRT (NVidia GPU) and NCNN (ARM CPU). It implements support for supervised and unsupervised deep learning of images, text, time series and other data, with focus on simplicity and ease of ...
Auto-TVM tuning 程序也是一个 python 程序,它会连接 Tracker(也可以和 Tracker 是一台机器) 找到相应的设备 ID 的 IP,然后和设备直接用 RPC 通信,Auto-TVM 程序会根据程序预设的 target(比如是不是 arm cpu,要不要用 OpenCL...) 来把你想要优化的 Deep Learning 模型直接编译为设备的 machine code, 通过...
HPC & AI Performance on CosmoFlow View the performance boost of the MLPerf HPC AI benchmark CosmoFlow on the Intel® Max Series CPU, achieving up to 5x gains over competition and 2.7x over 3rdGen Intel® Xeon® processors for deep learning training.1 ...
Develop faster deep learning frameworks with a library that combines primitives and a single API to develop for CPUs, GPUs, or both.