State-of-the-Art Deep Learning scripts organized by models - easy to train and deploy with reproducible accuracy and performance on enterprise-grade infrastructure. - itacdonev/DeepLearningExamples
To facilitate the process, in this repository, we provide eight examples, which cover five research directions, four data types, and a number of deep learning models that people will encounter in Bioinformatics. The five research directions are: sequence analysis, structure prediction and reconstructio...
language translation, and natural-language generation. Deep learning algorithms enable end-to-end training of NLP models without the need to hand-engineer features from raw input data. Below is a list of popular deep neural network models used in natural language processing their open source impleme...
Deep learning is used within businesses in a variety of industries for a wide range of use cases. Here are some examples of how deep learning is commonly used: Image, speech, and emotion recognition Deep learning software is used to increase image, speech, and emotion recognition accuracy and...
MATLAB Deep Learning Model Hub Get Pretrained Models Instead of creating a deep learning model from scratch, get a pretrained model, which you can apply directly or adapt to your task. MATLAB models ExploreMATLAB Deep Learning Model Hubto access the latest models by category and get tips on ch...
The deep learning process includes steps for identifying data sets to use for a particular problem, choosing the right algorithm, training the algorithm and then testing it. Deep learning methods Various methods can be used to create strong deep learning models. These techniques include learning rate...
语言、视觉和音频的Foundation Models基础模型已成为 2024 年机器学习的主要研究主题之一,而针对图结构数据的 FMs 则有些落后。在这篇文章中,我们认为图 FM 的时代已经开始,并提供了一些如何在今天使用它们的示例。 图形和几何深度学习中新兴基础模型...
Introducing adversarial examples in vision deep learning models Introduction We have seen the advent of state-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning models for computer vision ever since we started getting bigger and better compute (GPUs and TPUs), more data (ImageNet etc.) and easy to use open-so...
1. Deep learning math scalars, vectors and matrices scalars(标量): 标量是一个单一的量,你可以把它看作一个数字。在机器学习模型中,我们可以使用标量来处理数据,我们经常修改它们以提高模型的准确性。我们还可以根据使用的数据集将数据表示为标量值。
在一项基于脑部MRI图像的CNN Alzheimer 分类任务下,有团队 对基于归因的方法的鲁棒性进行了评估。涉及到的归因方法有 Gradient×input, Guided backpropagation (GBP), LRP, and occlusion。其中LRP方法的性能最优。 在另一项研究中 ,使用基于脑部MRI的CNN网络对肿瘤进行自动分级,并使用 GradCAM 和 Guided backpropaga...