由淺入深的深度學習資源 Collection of deep learning materials for everyone - deep-learning-resources/README.md at 0fce4d6bba27d08b6ffa6d66f77557ae8c7b2b8a · youheimaoli/deep-learning-resources
Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction (https://probml.github.io/pml-book/book1.html) Dive into Deep Learning (https://d2l.ai/) Personalized Machine Learning by Julian McAuley (https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~jmcauley/pml/pml_book.pdf) Machine Learning for Credit Card Fraud detection -...
Ensemble learning uses multiple algorithms to obtain better predictive performance than any single one of its constituent algorithms could. With the growing popularity of deep learning technologies, researchers have started to ensemble these technologies for various purposes. Few, if any, however, have ...
A boosted deep learning-based approach for near real-time response estimation of structures under ground motion excitationsrkarami@kntu.ac.irReza Karami MohammadiMojtaba SalkhordehMohammad Javad Kaffashchian
李宏毅机器学习课程笔记2:Classification、Logistic Regression、Brief Introduction of Deep Learning 台湾大学李宏毅老师的机器学习课程是一份非常好的ML/DL入门资料,李宏毅老师将课程录像上传到了YouTube,地址:NTUEE ML 2016 。 这篇文章是学习本课程第4-6课所做的笔记和自己的理解。 Lecture 4: Classification: Probab...
Bengio, Y.: Learning deep architectures for AI. Found. Trends Mach. Learn. 2(1), 1–127 (2009) Article MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar Bouvrie, J.: Notes on convolutional neural networks, November 2006. http://cogprints.org/5869/1/cnn_tutorial.pdf Chang, C.C., Lin, C.J.: LIBSV...
Delgadillo, J.; Duhne, P.G.S. Targeted prescription of cognitive–behavioral therapy versus person-centered counseling for depression using a machine learning approach.J. Consult. Clin. Psychol.2020,88, 14–24. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] ...
[1]. Academic outcomes including grades may be improved if students remain engaged during the learning phase [2]. SE is also considered as an indicator to check whether active learning sessions are taking place during lecture deliverance. Researchers have the consensus that SE could be an ...
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DeepSeek的爆火,国内最尴尬的玩家或是百度。之前传出百度AI在和苹果公司谈合作,很快会植入苹果系统,结果百度AI的表现让人受不了,苹果不得不放弃。 这次,DeepSeek对百度又是一记重击。 从目前势头来看,众多企业都系统性接入了deepseek大模型。包括从华为到龙芯,摩尔线程,海光信息、寒武纪、云天励飞等17家国产AI...