In Deep Learning, a good performing network will have a low loss function at all times when training. 10. What are some of the Deep Learning frameworks or tools that you have used? This question is quite common in a Deep Learning interview. Make sure to answer based on the experience ...
This is another frequently asked deep learning interview question. With neural networks, you’re usually working with hyperparameters once the data is formatted correctly. A hyperparameter is a parameter whose value is set before the learning process begins. It determines how a network is trained ...
DeepLearning IndustryAlgorithm LLMs assert VisionPerception assert .gitignore Breadcrumbs DeepLearing-Interview-Awesome-2024 /LLMs / Latest commit 315386775 <add>新增题目至253道,大模型训练问题 74e8761· Jun 12, 2024 HistoryHistory Breadcrumbs DeepLearing-Interview-...
《Deep Learning》第八章:深度模型中的优化 从SGD 到 Adam —— 深度学习优化算法概览(一) Adam 究竟还有什么问题 —— 深度学习优化算法概览(二) An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms 梯度下降法 TODO mini-batch梯度下降法 TODO 随机梯度下降法(SGD) SGD每步做什么,为什么能online ...
《Getting “deep” about “deep learning”》 介绍:深度学习之“深”——DNN的隐喻分析. 《Mixture Density Networks》 介绍:混合密度网络. 《Interview Questions for Data Scientist Positions》 介绍:数据科学家职位面试题. 《Accurately Measuring Model Prediction Error》 ...
Learning Deep Architectures for AI2 CMU’s list of papers7 The Learning Machines- 一个导论性质的文章,让你大致了解深度学*是什么,用来干什么的。 Deep Learning- (Review Article in Nature, May 2015) 三大神 Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoffrey Hinton的文章,不解释。
《Getting “deep” about “deep learning”》 介绍:深度学习之“深”——DNN的隐喻分析. 《Mixture Density Networks》 介绍:混合密度网络. 《Interview Questions for Data Scientist Positions》 介绍:数据科学家职位面试题. 《Accurately Measuring Model Prediction Error》 ...
介绍:介绍个乐于总结和翻译机器学习和计算机视觉类资料的博客,包含的内容:Hinton的CSC321课程的总结;Deep Learning综述;Notes on CNN的总结;python的原理总结;Theano基础知识和练习总结;CUDA原理和编程;OpenCV一些总结. 《Which Algorithm Family Can Answer My Question?》 ...
So this begs the question: How do you “teach” information to a machine? To answer this question, we turn toward a subset of Artificial Intelligence: Deep Learning. There is no doubt that the importance of AI in today’s technological sphere is undeniable and unparalleled. With the advent ...
awesome-deep-learning-and-machine-learning-questions是一个收集整理了各种与深度学习、机器学习、强化学习和数据科学相关问题的资源列表。这些问题来自知乎、Quora、Reddit、Stack Exchange等网站,涵盖了从入门到高级的广泛话题,包括模型训练、优化算法、应用案例、工具选择等。这个资源列表为学习者和从业者提供了获取相关...