In this paper,a data driven approach,deep learning,for vehicle speed prediction is presented.Deep learning based on the deep neural network structure is applied to predict a future short-term speed with the collected dataset including the historical vehicle speed and its corresponding acceleration,...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOL. 23, NO. 1, JANUARY 2022 33 Deep Learning-Based Vehicle Behavior Prediction for Autonomous Driving Applications: A Review Sajjad Mozaffari , Omar Y. Al-Jarrah , Mehrdad Dianati , Senior Member, IEEE , Paul Jennings, and Alexandros Mouzak...
We aim to exploit this power of deep learning in DeepMatch2 to build a model capable of highly accurate in-vehicle presence prediction solely based on sensor event streams. On the other side, the limited number of works, yet carried out on machine learning-based sensor stream matching, focus...
Deep Learning for Trajectory Data Mining 🔍 Trajectory-related Forecasting Location Forecasting Deep Learning Methods Next Location Prediction Deepmove: Predicting human mobility with attentional recurrent networks Predicting human mobility via variational attention Deeptransport: Prediction and simulation of ...
Apply deep learning to financial workflows. For example, use deep learning for applications including instrument pricing, trading, and risk management. Computational Finance Compare Deep Learning Networks for Credit Default Prediction Lidar processing Apply deep learning algorithms to process lidar point cl...
Energy Management Strategy Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning and Speed Prediction for Power‐Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Multidimensional Continu... An efficient energy management strategy (EMS) is significant to improve the economy of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). Herein, a power-split HE...
Leveraging Deep Learning for Vehicle Detection And Classification Rotation-EfficientDet-D0 -> PyTorch implementation of Rotated EfficientDet, applied to a custom rotation vehicle dataset (car counting) RSVC2021-Dataset -> A dataset for Vehicle Counting in Remote Sensing images, created from the DOTA...
Machine Learning Prediction and Forecasting Data Center and Cloud Computing Overview Accelerated Computing for Enterprise IT Cloud Computing Colocation MLOps Networking Virtualization Design and Simulation Overview Computer Aided-Engineering Digital Twin Development Rendering and Visualization Rob...
IJCV 2021Learning to Reconstruct HDR Images from Events, with Applications to Depth and Flow Predictionstacking based on time (SBT) and stacking based on the number of events (SBN). IROS 2018The multi vehicle stereo event camera dataset: An event camera dataset for 3D perceptionPer polarity sum...
Urban activities, particularly vehicle traffic, are contributing significantly to environmental pollution with detrimental effects on public health. The ability to anticipate air quality in advance is critical for public authorities and the general publi