Deep Learning Specialization 对卷积神经网络 (CNN)、递归神经网络 (RNN)、长短期记忆 (LSTM) 等深度学 习常用的网络结构、工具和知识都有涉及。 课程中也会有很多实操项目,帮助学生更好地应用自己学到的深度学习技术,解决真实 世界问题。这些项目将涵盖医疗、自动驾驶、和自然语言处理等时髦领域,以及音乐生成等 等...
This course provides an introduction to deep learning on modern Intel® architecture. Deep learning has gained significant attention in the industry by achieving state of the art results in computer vision and natural language processing. By the end of this course, students will have a firm under...
Deep Learning (PDF) offers mathematical and conceptual background, covering relevant concepts in linear algebra, probability theory and information theory, numerical computation, and machine learning. It describes deep learning techniques used by practitioners in industry, including deep feedforward networks,...
Kaggle&Gemini《生成式AI五天快速课程|5-Day Gen AI Intensive Course Kaggle》deepseek翻译 密歇根大学《生成式AI作为学习设计伙伴(3课全)|Generative AI as a Learning Design Partner》中英字 微软《生成式AI入门|Microsoft Generative AI for Beginners 2024》中英字幕(豆包翻译 04:20:18 Andrej Karpathy...
Deep Learning电子书评分: Bengio大神的 deeplearning 电子书全部章节 Bengio deeplearning 电子书2016-12-07 上传大小:31.00MB 所需:15积分/C币 MIT Deep Learning MIT 6.S094 2019 course: Deep Learning state of the art slides 上传者:weixin_43726237时间:2019-01-25 ...
1.3 神经网络的监督学习(Supervised Learning with Neural Networks) 1.4 为什么神经网络会流行?(Why is Deep Learning taking off?) 1.5 关于本课程(About this Course) 1.6 课程资源(Course Resources) 1.7 Geoffery Hinton 专访(Geoffery Hinton interview) ...
第一周:深度学习引言(Introduction to Deep Learning) 1.1 欢迎(Welcome) 1.2 什么是神经网络?(What is a Neural Network) 1.3 神经网络的监督学习(Supervised Learning with Neural Networks) 1.4 为什么神经网络会流行?(Why is Deep Learning taking off?) 1.5 关于本课程(About this Course) 1.6 课程资源(Cours...
深度强化学习从原理到应用deeprl.pdf,Background • Deep learning methods are making major advances in solving many low-level perceptual tasks. See (visual object recognition) Read (text understanding) Hear (speech recognition) 2 Background • More soph
作为非洲机器智能硕士课程(AMMI 2021) 的一部分,作者们提供了一门关于几何深度学习 (Geometric Deep Learning Course)的课程。伦敦帝国理工学院教授Michael Bronstein等人讲授了关于几何深度学习的课程,讲述了一系列几何深度学习研究要点。几何深度学习是从对称性和不变性的角度对广泛的机器学习问题,从几何角度进行统一的尝... 教学语言是Matlab。 参2011年的课程CS294A/CS294W Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning UFLDL Tutorial Wiki:Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial不长,易懂 ...