Course:Deep Learning: Advanced Computer Vision (GANs, SSD, +More!) “I am one of your students. Yesterday, I presented my paper at ICCV 2019. You have a significant part in this, so I want to sincerely thank you for your in-depth guidance to the puzzle of deep learning. Please keep...
Udacity Computer Vision Nanodegree Udacity Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree “Deep Learning with MATLAB” using NVIDIA GPUs Train Compute-Intensive Models with Azure Machine Learning NVIDIA DeepStream Development with Microsoft Azure Develop Custom Object Detection Models with NVIDIA and Azure Machine Lear...
Course Title Contains Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date Advanced Deep Learning Techniques for Computer Vision (Coursera) View more details Deep Learning for Object Detection (Coursera) View more details ...
Deep Learning Basics with Free Certificate (Jovian) 48-72 hours Intermediate Level Deep Learning Course Focusing on Probabilistic Models (Imperial) 52 hours Most Comprehensive Course for Machine Learning and Deep Learning (MIT) 150–210 hours Deep Learning Course with Emphasis on Computer Vision (CU... Computer vision and Deep learning course - part 2A of 4 字幕版之后会放出,敬请持续关注欢迎加入人工智能机器学习群:556910946,会有视频,资料放送 人工智能 科学 科技 计算机技术 AI 机器学习 深度学习 从零开始的人工智能 发消息 从零开始的人工智能。公众号:AI基地 建模免费课程开课啦,...
3D vision(3D计算机视觉) Videos(深度学习中的视频处理) Generative Models(生成模型) Reinforcement Learning(强化学习) 课程资料 | 下载 公✦众✦号回复关键字 『EECS498』,就可以获取整理完整的资料合辑啦!当然也可以点击这里查看更多课程的资料获取方式!
This course provides an introduction to deep learning on modern Intel® architecture. Deep learning has gained significant attention in the industry by achieving state of the art results in computer vision and natural language processing. By the end of this course, students will have a firm under...
ADL4CV,全称是 Advanced Deep Learning for Computer vision (ADL4CV),是慕尼黑工大讲授的计算机视觉方向进阶课程,覆盖深度学习计算机视觉基础之上的进阶深度内容,包括:神经网络可解释性、相似度与度量学习、自注意力与transformer、图神经网络、生成模型与GAN、无监督学习、视频处理、迁移学习等。 课程主要面向深度学习...
Lesson 01: Introduction to Computer Vision Lesson 02: Promise of Deep Learning for Computer Vision Lesson 03: How to Develop Deep Learning Models With Keras Part 2: Image Data Preparation Lesson 04: How to Load and Manipulate Images with PIL/Pillow Lesson 05: How to Manually Scale Image Pixel...
3D vision(3D计算机视觉) Videos(深度学习中的视频处理) Generative Models(生成模型) Reinforcement Learning(强化学习) 课程资料 | 下载 扫描上方图片二维码,关注公众号并回复关键字 🎯『EECS498』,就可以获取整理完整的资料合辑啦!当然也可以点击 🎯这里查看更多课程的资料获取方式!