Powerful, Intuitive Spiritual Healing, Biofield Clearing, Holistic Health Coaching, Insightful. Compassionate. Transformative. Connecting with your Guides, Angels, Medical Assistant Team and your Akashic Records. Truly inspiring!
30 Tokyo Lofi Healing Music relaxes the mind Deep Calm Heal [ Lofi Hip Hop Chill Be 3:00:01 Tokyo Lofi Healing 💖 Have A Good Day 🕞 Sleeping _ Relaxing [ Beats To Sleep _ 3:00:01 Tokyo Lofi Healing 💖 Relax Your Mind 🔆 Relaxing _ Chilling [ Lofi Hip Hop _ Ch 3:00:01...
Pachamama Mantra (1hr) - Deep Meditation Music - Collective Healing Frequency 15 人观看 4 个月前,YouTube 1 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 ♪Sattva Music♫ 30,491个粉丝 Delve deep with us as we weave a portal of sound, breathing deeply, allowing our weight to be held by Mother ...
these tunes will soothe and support you in meditation, yoga, dance, relaxation, and sleep. In doing so, they will usher you out of fight/flight mode (sympathetic nervous system) and into rest/digest mode (parasympathetic nervous system), where your body’s innate healing mechanisms come alive...
These mindfulness bell downloads are powerful meditation tools that have been created especially for people who want to practice mindfulness meditation.
Deep, slow breathing relieves stress and relaxes you, and also engages your sympathetic in ways that work for you, not against you. In this way, deep breathing helps send your body signals of safety so that you can enter into a higher state of functioning – one that is healing, regenerat...
See God gave me this gift and the gift of healing. Including power over the devil himself. This is why he tells me I owe him my power because it belongs to him through a mediums voice. I told him sorry dude but NOT! Your power belongs to God and you used it for all the wrong ...
From the artist Since releasing the first Liquid Mind® album in 1994, I've received thousands of emails, messages, and letters from listeners using my sedative music therapeutically in healing settings, at home, and in the workplace. Many comments were from healthcare practitioners, some were...
Amy Thinks Deep: philosophy for the curious soul | A multi-blog furthering exploration and thought on metaphysics, spirituality, and psychology.