The always overboard Alton Brown is at his best in this one. Here is his show on cooking the bird, in three convenient YouTube nuggets. Nobody does food better.Pardon us please, while we pay for beer... Related Posts Deep Fried Turkey (Still the best guide on the net!) Books by ...
Place the turkey into the empty fryer and fill with water until covered. I have found that some of the turkey can be above the liquid level and still cook to perfection; however, there is a limit to how much can be exposed. Remove the turkey. You will need to dry the turkey again w...
smoked sausage, fried chicken, or fried shrimp. When they say stuffed, what they and every other restaurant mean is that the turkey legs are smothered with a combination of toppings. The legs may be falling-apart tender, but they’re not deboned or actually filled with the ingredients...