“因为每个单元由多个过滤器驱动,maxout单元具有一些冗余来帮助他们抵抗灾难性遗忘(catastrophic forgetting)的现象”.灾难性遗忘貌似指的是在更换学习任务后(我理解可能是换了一个不同特征的数据集的意思),之前的任务准确率降低的现象.参见Measuring Catastrophic Forgetting in Neural Networks,Overcoming catastrophic forgett...
From machine translation to search engines, and from mobile applications to computer assistants feed forward neural networks in deep learning is everywhere. Machine learning algorithms and statistics algorithms can be applied to data in various ways.Deep learning modelsmimic the ways in which the human...
A branch of machine learning 机器学习的一个分支 Re-branded name for neural networks 神经网络的改名 Why deep? Many layers are chained together in modern deep learning models 为什么是深度?在现代深度学习模型中,许多层都是连在一起的。 Neural networks: historically inspired by the way computation works...
especially when they have several layers for each time step [87], enabling an entire speech recognition system that goes all the way from acoustics to the sequence of characters in the transcription. LSTM networks or related forms of gated units are also currently used for the encoder and decod...
This general principle of improving models by learning features extends beyond the feedforward networks described in this chapter. It isa recurring theme of deep learning that applies to all of the kinds of modelsdescribed throughout this book. Feedforward networks are the application of this princip...
This general principle of improving models by learning features extends beyond the feedforward networks described in this chapter. It is a recurring theme of deep learning that applies to all of the kinds of models described throughout this book. Feedforward networks are the application of this pr...
【Deep Learning】笔记:Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
%%Random initialization%X. Glorot, Y. Bengio.% Understanding the dif铿乧ultyoftraining deep feedforward neural networks.% AISTATS2010.% QVL: this initialization method appearstoperform better than% theta = randn(d,1); s0= size(traindata,1);%s0涓烘牱鏈 殑缁存暟 ...
Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade (2nd Edition). 至于具体的 deep learning 的模型以及相关的 training 的算法的细节之类的,原本想有时间的话也详细整理一下,但是好像暑假即将结束,我自己也挖了好多坑都还没有填,所以一时半会似乎不太能写更详细的东西了。Deep Learning 将会如何发展?究竟是否是 AI 的圣杯...
In subject area: Physics and Astronomy Deep learning refers to a collection of techniques used in artificial intelligence that involve training neural networks to learn from structured and unstructured data such as text, voice, images, and video. ...