首先我们需要定义deep entity的Type, 代码如下: DATA:BEGINOF ls_invoice_data. INCLUDETYPE /bao/cl_fi_invcus_mpc_ext=>ts_documentheader. DATA: documentitemsetTYPE /bao/cl_fi_invcus_mpc_ext=>tt_documentitem, ENDOF ls_invoice_data. 然后我们通过以下语句来读取前台传来的entity信息: io_data_prov...
in turn, contain a sequence ofEntityDescriptororLinkDescriptorinstances that represent the changes persisted or attempted. When an entity is created or modified in the data service, theEntityDescriptorincludes a reference to the updated entity, including any server-generated property values, such as the...
In this blog, we'll find out how to do four basic actions (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on a deep entity inSAP BUILD Apps. To begin, we'll make a basic backend service and share it using the destination service in our BTP account. Scenario In our example, we will work with two ...
I have implemented what I believe is all the right coding to call the CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY method. I use the correct Navigation Property name of my oData model in my locally declared Deep structure, yet its still attempting to call the CREATE_ENTITY method I believe. I have not implemented t...
SAP Managed Tags: OData, SAP S/4HANA Hello experts, I seek for your kind support with a requirement where I my request payload body should not have blank fields and response payload should hav all the fields from the deep entity. I have created the deep entity and have implemented creat...
DATA: lo_annotation TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_odata_annotation, lo_entity_type TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_odata_entity_typ, lo_complex_type TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_odata_cmplx_type, lo_property TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_odata_property, lo_entity_set TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Gateway, NW ABAP Gateway (OData) Hi all, Iam trying to update object with header and items to perform deep entity insert.But the create_entity method is only triggered and not the Create_deep_entity. Head entity definition in MPC *Head entity--- *--- ...
1.After successful creation of OData service in SAP Netweaver Gateway system. Go to the DPC extension class and identity the method/IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~CREATE_DEEP_ENTITYand redefine it. 2.Copy and paste the below code in the method. ...
Entityset Wpis EntryPoint Wyliczenie WyliczenieInternal EnumerationItemInternal EnumerationItemPrivate EnumerationItemProtected EnumerationItemPublic EnumerationItemSealed EnumerationItemShortcut EnumerationItemSnippet EnumerationPrivate WyliczenieChroniona WyliczeniePublic WyliczenieSealed WyliczenieShortcut Wyliczenie...
SAP Managed Tags: OData, SAPUI5 Hello guys, I have a little question: I wrote a SAPUI5 application where I had to pass an array of complex items to Gateway. I solved this by doing a Deep Insert. Therefore I created a dummy header entity on Gateway and made an association to the ...