Deep Emerald Color Hex #556551 RBG rgb(85,101,81) HSL hsl(108,11%,36%) HSB hsb(108,20%,40%) CIELab CIELab(40.95,-10.33,9.33) CMYK NULL RED 33.33% GREEN 39.61% BLUE 31.76% Deep Evergreen Down Dog Electric Indigo Faint Peach Floral Leaf Fuchsia Red Goku Orange Green Haz...
The geological formation of emerald also contributes to its unique value. It is a variety of beryl, a mineral composed of beryllium, aluminum, and silicate. The intense green color of emerald is derived from trace amounts of chromium and vanadium. The variations in these ...
The hexadecimal RGB code of Deep Ruby color is #843F5B and the decimal is rgb(132,63,91). The red-green-blue components are 84 (132) red, 3F (63) green and 5B (91) blue.
The hexadecimal RGB code of Deep Moss Green color is #355E3B and the decimal is rgb(53,94,59). The red-green-blue components are 35 (53) red, 5E (94) green and 3B (59) blue.
I am 5'2" and ordered a size small. I absolutely love this piece. The color is stunning and it's beautiful on. REVOLVE Shopper 8/22/23 尺码: 尺码准确 体型: 扁平臀部 高度: 短裤 质量: 非常好 5.0 out of 5 stars 您会向他人推荐该产品吗? yes Incentivized ⓘ It fitted perfectl...
Deep Sea Green / 2-27-7 Indigo Paints Similar Paints Pantone / PMS ★ 17-5734 TCX / Viridis#00846b ΔE = 0.369 / LRV ≈ 17.6% Coloro ★ 079-47-22#11846a ΔE = 0.73 / LRV ≈ 17.7% Sico ★ 6146-73 Galapagos Green#00856c ΔE = 0.737 / LRV ≈ 17.9% Taubmans ★ Medieval ...
This premium sencha, hailing from the radiant southern regions of Japan, is renowned for its intensely vibrant, deep emerald color and robust "green" qualities that set it apart from other teas. We encourage you to compare the Yutaka Midori with any other sencha on the market and experience ...
You have Deep tonal coloring and will look your best wearing colors with a strong color pigment to balance
The previous version (v2.x) focused on a greenish color spectrum. AquadeepNL was designed and developed solely from scratch by Sherwin Pirs. Most of the species from Central America and Africa (Lake Tanganyika) were kept by my father, whereas I kept most species from South America and ...
Emerald Green Arborvitae Spacing From House|Is It Cake Green Hair|Material Grade: Remy Hair,Crafted from premium Remy Hair, this wig offers a natural look and longevity. Color of Lace: Transparent,The transparent lace ensures a natural appearance, blending with your scalp. ...