The global fleet of deep-diving manned research submersibles comprises thirteen human occupied vehicles (HOV), eleven of which are presently operational, managed by different agencies in France, Japan, Russia and the United States. The basic components of these submersibles are similar, but ...
DEVELOPMENT OF MANNED, DEEP-DIVING SUBMERSIBLES. RAMSAY R. Naval Engineers Journal . 1969RAMSAY R. The development of manned deep-diving submersibles[J].Naval Engineers Journal, 1969, 81 (5) : 35-42.RAMSAY R.The development of manned deep-diving submersibles.Naval Engineers Journal.1969.35-42...
An improved ballast expulsion system for deep diving submersibles which employs a high-pressure auxiliary tank within the conventional ballast tanks to effect positive expulsion of the water ballast and additional buoyancy. A piston is mounted in each auxiliary ballast tank and moves towards a ...