As one might expect, deep discount brokers also provide fewer services to clients than standard brokers; such brokers typically provide little more than the fulfillment of stock and option trades, charging a flat fee for each. Today, many discount brokers have essentially become deep discount broker...
Deep discount brokers 词条 Deep discount brokers 专业释义 <金融>高折扣经纪人 词条提问
Notes that so-called deep discounters are beginning to undercut their off-price brethren, slashing commissions to as low as two cents a share on listed securities. Decline in trading costs; Mark Coler's book 'The Discount Brokerage Directory and Survey'; Arranging rates to benefit block ...
Parking Page HomeBlog deepdiscountfutures.comis a domain registered with the registrarRegister4Less, Inc.and is currentlyparkedwithout monetization (advertising). A new website for this domain may be under development byits owner. Registering your own domain with is quick, easy,...
Patrick is the CEO of and, truth be told, his company sells more than just toasters. It is a discount retail outlet that sells all sorts of stuff – one of the fastest growing companies on the Web and a company that seemed, at least for a while, like it might become ...
It involves hedge funds and their brokers selling stock that they do not possess – phantom stock – to dilute supply and drive down prices. Often, the short-selling saboteurs engage in other shenanigans – whispering scurrilous rumors, oozing innuendo, orchestrating bogus class action lawsuits, ...
It found that three real estate market still "dismal", the volume of frozen, Beijing "price change" expectations fell, Shanghai, Shenzhen's real estate discount is referred to "disingenuous". Analysts believe that the paction will not improve until the end of the year, but still believe tha...
This of course is the meat of the proposal. Many of the high YSP mortgage broker products were the most risky to the borrower. The vast majority of mortgage brokers naturally went with the highest commissioned prod...
Reports that although deep discount brokers offer low commissions based on the volume of business they transact, they are not for everyone. Price competition; How a discounter's use of technology and the investor's trading patterns can affect the overall trading bill; Hidden costs of trading; ...