[ICLR 2021] On the Bottleneck of Graph Neural Networks and its Practical Implications openreview.net/forum? github.com/tech-srl/bot) [ICLR 2021] Adaptive Universal Generalized PageRank Graph Neural Network openreview.net/forum? github.com/jianhao2016/ [ICLR 2021] Simple Spectral Graph Convolution ...
强化学习旨在学习如何做,即如何根据情况采取动作,从而实现数值奖励信号最大化。学习者不会接到动作 指令,而是必须自行尝试去发现回报最高的动作方案。 —Sutton and Barto, 强化学习:简介 1.2 为什么要强化学习 传统控制问题设计控制器必须满足多项要求,包括多个状态值和参考值的反馈,各个环路之间的交互,设计和调优困难...
Graph-based multi-agent reinforcement learning for large-scale UAVs swarm system control 2024, Aerospace Science and Technology Show abstract Neural network based adaptive finite-time distributed estimation for an uncertain leader 2024, Information Sciences Citation Excerpt : For example, NNs have been wi...
本文,我们提出一种新的 deep learning framework,称为:Similarity-Guided Graph Neural Network(SGGNN)来克服上述缺陷。给定 a prob image and several gallery images, SGGNN 构建一个 graph 来表示不同 gallery pairs 之间的 pairwise relationships,并且利用上述信息来进行end to end 的更新 probe-gallery relation ...
Graph neural network have recently shown remarkable performance in the prediction of compound-protein interactions, but it has not been applied to the screening of drug combinations. In this paper, we proposed a deep learning model based on graph neural networks and attention mechanism to identify ...
Adaptive Sampling Towards Fast Graph Representation Learning Wenbing Huang, Tong Zhang, Yu Rong, Junzhou Huang NeurIPS 2018 Hierarchical Graph Representation Learning with Differentiable Pooling Rex Ying, Jiaxuan You, Christopher Morris, Xiang Ren, William L. Hamilton, Jure Leskovec NeurIPS 2018 Bayesian...
graph diffusion graph sampling 1.2.1 Edge Addition/Dropping 即 保留原始节点顺序,对邻接矩阵种的元进行改写。 基于图稀疏性(graph sparsification)的图结构优化方法 [8、9],基于图结构整洁性(graph sanitation)的方法 [3],以及图采样(graph sampling)。
A neural network is recurrent if its directed graph representation has a cycle. Any network that has a winner(s)-take-all (WTA) module or a softmax module is at least implicitly recurrent because equivalent function is implemented in the brain by mutually recurrent inhibitory connections. Any ...
Discourse-Aware Neural Extractive Text Summarization, ACL'20, Jiacheng Xu, Zhe Gan, Yu Cheng, Jingjing Liu Learning Robust Node Representations on Graphs, Xu Chen, Ya Zhang, Ivor Tsang, Yuangang Pan Adaptive Graph Diffusion Networks with Hop-wise Attention, Chuxiong Sun, Guoshi Wu The Phot...
GPU Occupancy Prediction of Deep Learning Models Using Graph Neural Network Hengquan Mei, Huaizhi Qu, Jingwei Sun, Yanjie Gao, Haoxiang Lin, Guangzhong Sun CLUSTER 2023|October 2023 Published by IEEE The 25th IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing ...