乐谱名:Deeds Of Flesh - Reduced To Ashes 作曲:暂无 歌手:暂无 音轨数:4 乐谱类型:未知 乐谱《Deeds Of Flesh - Reduced To Ashes》由琴友【TrueLove】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【下架此谱】或【与制谱者分享权益】...
乐谱名:Reduced To Ashes 作曲:暂无 歌手:Deeds Of Flesh 音轨数:4 乐谱类型:未知 乐谱《Reduced To Ashes》由琴友【Chafferer】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【下架此谱】或【与制谱者分享权益】。 上一首 下一首 失真...
Deeds of Flesh - Banished 专辑:Reduced to Ashes 歌手:Deeds of Flesh 抱歉,该歌词暂不支持自动滑动 Pulled from our homes We've committed no crimes We don't know why Stolen and incarcerated The red army marches us out like pigs Onto trains like creatures ...
专辑:Reduced to Ashes 歌手:Deeds of Flesh Human Trophies - Deeds of Flesh Into the psychology Of a developing Serial killer Retribution for Perceived abuses Diagnosed bipolar Effective disorder Infantile behavior Methodical personality Never socialized ...
Will they manage to refurbish the stones that have been damaged and reduced to ashes?” 35 And Tobiah the Ammonite, who was standing beside Sanballat, added: “If a fox were to climb on top of the stone wall they are building, it would crumble before them.”...
Will they manage to refurbish the stones that have been damaged and reduced to ashes?” 35 And Tobiah the Ammonite, who was standing beside Sanballat, added: “If a fox were to climb on top of the stone wall they are building, it would crumble before them.”...
专辑:Reduced to Ashes 歌手:Deeds of Flesh Lecturing with human archives Containing copious accounts of sorrow Lashing out to gratify The petulance within Grisly exhibition of prey Refined to a science Unleashing wrath and vengeance Egotistic author of disdain ...
As one fell to weaknessThe corpse ready to be disposedIn the seaLying there like a tasty meal of salty meatIn that, they should find relief from present sufferingsSo preparations were made to preserve the meatFrom spoilageSeparate the limbs - Cut the flesh from bonesOpen the chest - Take ...