After a person gets married, she has the option tochange her last name(also known as her family name or surname) to her spouse's last name. If she bought property with her spouse before they got married, the property title will be in her maiden name. Luckily,changing a name on a hou...
Quitclaim deeds are often used in most states to transfer real estate. But in a few states—includingTexasand North Carolina—title companies disfavor quitclaim deeds. In those states, it is usually best to use a deed called adeed without warrantyorno warranty deed. This deed form does the ...
Federal law allows the state Medicaid agency to recover assets from the deceased person’s “estate” at his or her death. States differ in how they define “estate” for purposes of Medicaid recovery. Some states—like Michigan, Texas, and Florida—define “estate” to mean “probate...
A deed of trust may also include a power of sale clause, depending on the state. This is a nonjudicial foreclosure and it allows for a quicker process than if the sale took place in a judicial foreclosure. The process differs by lender and state: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Calif...
Champignons, and: provincial bar rooms, and: guericke's sparrow, and: botanic garden, and: christmas in huntsville, texas we met them in the woods within a clearing: two expeditions passing through the twilight eyeing one another silently. between us the nervy telegraphic buzzing of a swarm of...