(单选题) One of the reasons why the deductive method of teaching grammar is criticized is that ___ in the method.(本题2.0分) A、 grammar is taught in a context B、 little attention is paid to meaning C、 the practice is often meaningful D、 not enough examples are provided 相关知识点...
One of the reasons why the deductive method of teaching grammar is criticized is that ___ in the method. A. little attention is paid to meaning B. grammar is taught in a context C. the practice is often meaningful D. not E. nough examples are provided ...
Deductive teaching proceeds from rules to examples, and inductive method takes the opposite approach of beginning with examples and moving to the rule. Deductive learning requires that learners understand and use the principles to specific situations, and it rests on the premise that the most ...
In comparing between the two approaches, one of the differences is that a deductive approach is most close with the grammar-translation method of teaching languages, while an inductive approach is considered close to audio-lingualism, where meaning and grammar induced from practice with examples in...
Deductive method deduction process namely from generally to special process.Uses the deductive method to carry on the grammar teaching, simply succinctly to the learner proposed first the abstract grammar rule, explains with examples immediately, will abstract the rule quotation in the specific lang ...
题目One of the reasons why the deductive methodof teaching grammar is criticized is that ___ in the method. A. not enough examples are provide B. little attention is paid to meaning C. the practice is often meaningful D. grammar is taught in context 相关知识点: 试题...
Theintentisforstudentsto“notice”,bywayoftheexamples,howtheconceptworks.InductiveandDeductiveLearning 4.Inductiveteachingmethods:inquirylearning,problem-basedlearning,project-basedlearning,case-basedteaching,discoverylearning,just-in-timeteaching.InductiveandDeductiveLearning 5.Howcanateacherdecidewhichmethodisthebest...
many techniques used while educating. So‚ during the teaching process teachers use different methods to school effectively. Two of them aredeductiveandinductivetechniqe. Both of them have adventages but they are completely different from each other with the dominant people‚ flowing of information...
inquirylearning,problem-basedlearning,project-basedlearning,case-basedteaching,discoverylearning,just-in-timeteaching.2012-5-23 InductiveandDeductiveLearning 5.Howcanateacherdecidewhichmethodisthebestchoiceforagiventopic?Howpersonalizedshouldthelearningbe?Shouldlearningexperiencesbepredictable?Whatdepthofunderstanding...
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