1.2 The Deductive Approach of Teaching The deductive approach of teaching English grammar refers to the style of teaching students by introducing the grammatical rules first, and then applying them by the students. This means that a teacher works from the more general to the more specific in a ...
Inductive is better than deductive approach for teaching grammar. () A、正确 B、错误 参考答案:错误 点击查看答案&解析 广告位招租 联系QQ:5245112(WX同号)
The inductive approach represents a different style of teaching where the new grammatical structures or rules are presented to the students in a real language context (Goner, Phillips, and Walters 135). The students learn the use of the structure through practice of the language in context, and...
Glaser, K. (2016). News from the pragmatic classroom: Contrasting the inductive and the deductive approach in the teaching of pragmatic competence. Intercultural pragmatics. Vol. 13(4), 45-67.K. Glaser, News from the pragmatics classroom: Contrasting the inductive and deductive approach in the ...
Adult learners' perceptions on inductive and deductive teaching approaches for English grammar were examined. The written performance of two student groups taught via an inductive and deductive approach, respectively, and created by rand... JG Mallia - 《Arab World English Journal》 被引量: 11发表...
1) Which instructional approach, deductive or guided inductive, will be more effective for EFL learners' on short-term learning of grammatical structures? 2) Which instructional approach, deductive or guided inductive, will be more effective for EFL learners' on long-term learning of grammatical str...
Deductive teaching proceeds from rules to examples, and inductive method takes the opposite approach of beginning with examples and moving to the rule. Deductive learning requires that learners understand and use the principles to specific situations, and it rests on the premise that the most ...
12.The inductive-deductive grammar teaching approach in English;归纳演绎教学法在英语语法教学中的应用(英文) 13.View Denotation and Generative Algorithm of Integrity Constraints in Deductive Databases演绎数据库中完整性约束视图表示和生成算法 14.An Optimization Algorithm of Magic Set Dealing with Recursive Qu...
Inthecaseofinductivereasoning,onestoresanumberofspecificinstancesandinducesagenerallaworruleorconclusionthatgovernsorsubsumesthespecificinstances.InductiveandDeductiveLearning 1.Whatisdeductivelearning?Adeductiveapproachtoinstructionisamoreteacher-centeredapproach.Thismeansthattheteachergivesthestudentsanewconcept,explainsit,...