When you sign up for a car insurance policy, your insurer asks you to choose a deductible amount for some insurance coverage types, such as collision coverage. A standard deductible is $500, but options range from $0 to $2,000. If you file aclaimrequiring the deductible, you must pay th...
英语ss-a2l37insurance购买保险deductible自付额.pdf,Insurance 1. Words storm insurer 人 applicant 投保人 insured amount 金额 condition 条件 travel insurance 旅行 risk 风险 exemption 免除 fine print 细则 pay out insurance 付清 费 insurant/the insured 被人
Anamountorperiodwhichmustbedeductedbeforeaninsurancepayoutorsettlementiscalculated. Copyright©2012,Campbell R. Harvey.AllRightsReserved. 1.Ableto betakenoffofone'stax liability.See:Deduction. 2. Ininsurance,theamountthatapolicyholdermustpayforaclaimbeforetheinsurance companywillmakeanypaymentsatall.Thatis...
the date of loss, plus the primary automobileinsurance deductibleamount where applicable as defined in section (II) “Agreement” [...] iasdirect.com iasdirect.com 未偿还不足金额」的定义是我的汽车的实际现金价值与损失之日分期支付销售合约/贷款/租赁的清偿净 值之间的差额,加上本附录背面「协议」第...
primary automobile insurance deductible amount where applicable as defined in section (II) “Agreement” [...] iasdirect.com 未偿还不足金额」的定义是我的汽车的实际现金价值与损失之日分期支付销售合约/贷款/租赁的清偿净 值之间的差额,加上本 附录背面「协议」第( II) 款定义适用的主要汽车保险免赔...
A premium model indicates that for a broad range of deductible amounts the actuarially fair premium reduction exceeds the deductible.FrankMBakkerandRenéC.J.AvanVlietandWynandSDOSHealth PolicyBaker F,Metal.Deductibles In Health Insurance:Can The Actuarially Fair Premium Reduction Exceed The Deductible....
(redirected fromdeductible amount) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Financial Encyclopedia That which may be taken away or subtracted. In taxation, an item that may be subtracted from gross income or adjusted gross income in determining taxable income (e.g., interest expenses, charitable contributions, cer...
网络释义 deductible 显示所有例句 adj. 1. 可扣除的;可减免的that can be taken away from an amount of money you earn, from tax, etc. n. 例句 释义: 全部,免赔额,自负额,可扣除的,可减免的,扣除额,绝对免赔率,自付扣除金 更多例句筛选 1. At the very least, deductible levels and lifetime...