The first article appeared on page 28 of the January/ February edition of TANKEROperator. Oversupply leading to a downturn? This year, overall marine transport of oil is expected to be essentially unchanged from last year. However in the years following, rates are expected to decline until 2010...
Siboni, Ma'aseh Melech (Brooklyn, 2007). xxxi / Haggadah for Pesach result, the 1999 edition of Likutei Ta'amim u'Minhagim44 includ- ed a page by page digest of the Rebbe's hanhagos alongside the Haggadah text. We have therefore included a number of the hanhagos in the current ...
Okay, this Sunday we’re doing a child dedication. We’re revamping many things about this dedication, so I’m going to write about it this week. However, I need a little help. I’m creating a few slide shows for the dedication service and I need some songs to play for the slide s...