There are guides showing the steps that you need to execute in order to open up your ARK server for your friends, but make sure you read them thoroughly before making any changes. This isn't just a matter of quickly clicking on a couple of things and everything is golden, you nee...
The server boots up with no problem, but no one on the lan can connect. The server is visible from Steam-Server-Favorites, but trying to use this to connect results in "Unable to query server info for invite" Server is not visible from Ark LAN servers. I have also added ?Port=7777?
How to create and host your own Palworld server With your own dedicated Palworld server, you get to determine the speed and difficulty of the gameplay. You also have complete control over who can join the server and when it should be online. But what are the hardware requirements for a ...
Hi, so i relise you cant cross server with the ark version on steam... so i got the microsoft store one so i can play with my son and hes on xbox one... now we have both created a non-dedicated server and niether of of can see each other... however we c
One other thing that's weird for me is I have NATing enabled and port forwarding on my router but not all maps show up in my LAN list. Even on my own network I have to use the unofficial server list within Ark if I want to login directly to like 2 of the 5 ...
Hey Guys I restarted my server with a fresh new gamertag of mine. I made it acceptable for raiding with high rates for gathering, breeding and high stats on players. The server is pretty much for anyone just wanting to have fun. If you want to raid go ah
hi i'm hosting my server on a home pc with the emulation of ark available on microsoft store . that you can get if you own the xbox verssion of the game . so it's a GAMERTAG hosting the server i'm playing with my character on xbox . i would like to be ab