Dedar Milano is an Italian family-run house specialized in fabrics and wallcoverings for curtains, sheers, upholstery and walls. Dedar’s creations combine precious yarns with research into fiber technology to offer various solutions to our customers.
Dedar Milano is an Italian family-run house specialized in fabrics and wallcoverings for curtains, sheers, upholstery and walls. Dedar’s creations combine precious yarns with research into fiber technology to offer various solutions to our customers.
Fabrics and wallcovering define any spaces and atmospheres to meet every use and design need. Discover the collection of velvet fabrics, versatile and available in many colors. Get inspired by the collection of images of Dedar products in use....
Dedar Milano è una realtà italiana specializzata in tessuti e rivestimenti murali per tende, veli, sedute e pareti. Le creazioni Dedar combinano filati pregiati con la ricerca sulla tecnologia delle fibre per offrire diverse soluzioni per progetti di i
DEDAR是意大利高端纺织品品牌,创立于1976年,凭借精湛工艺与艺术设计在毛毯、墙布面料等领域享有盛誉。其产品以繁复花纹、斑斓色彩和细节处理著称,融合全球美学元素,并与爱马仕等品牌合作推出联名系列。以下从品牌定位、设计特色及跨界合作三方面展开说明。 品牌历史与定位 DEDAR诞生于意大利纺织业黄金时期,...
家居软装中,面料的选择至关重要。今天,我们来聊聊一个来自意大利的高端面料品牌——DEDAR Milano。这个品牌自1976年诞生以来,就与奢侈品品牌有着深厚的渊源,共同研发出许多令人瞩目的产品。其中,Tiger Mountain面料尤为引人注目。它灵感来自七十年代西方藏毯,融合了复古、先锋、异域和摩登元素。无论是家居装饰还是服装配饰...
必应词典为您提供Dedar的释义,网络释义: 帝达;纺织品公司;
DEDAR面料系列,专为室内外活动设计,提供多样且高效的功能。它们不仅易于清洗、抗磨损、耐阳光,还能防霉菌,无论天气如何,都能保持愉悦的触感和轻松的穿着体验。🔵【Mazarin 隐秘迷宫】 - Mazarin面料采用提花编织,呈现出迷人的迷宫图案,独特的纹路令人心驰神往。🔵...
Cookie SettingsUse necessary cookies only Allow all cookies Ideal for spaces that require high standards of protection, all products in our fire retardant fabric collection provide maximum fire resistance without compromising on style. Ideal for curtains, upholstery and furniture, fire retardant fabrics ...