Hi I was able to decrypt an app through the decrypted ipa store but when i went to sideload it shows a blank icon and says it failed to verify the app. It does this for other apps I tried decrypting as well. Laxus Cheater 29.1k ...
I extract decrypted .ipa files manually using frida and frida-ios-dump.Where?I make releases in the "Releases" section of this repository. I mark TestFlight's versions using this semantic: MAJOR.MINOR.?PATCH.BUILD, for versions from App Store I use this one: MAJOR.MINOR.?PATCH....
Jailbreak: If the iPA is installed through Filza, you should not encounter any issues/crash. (Make sure to have AppSync Unified installed) No-Jailbreak: The app may crash if it's installed through a free certificate. Use TrollStore / ESign / iOSGods App+ to have the best experience. ...
IPADownload Update Oct 26, 2018 LICENSE.txt first commit Oct 26, 2018 README.md update README.md Jan 28, 2019 Repository files navigation README GPL-2.0 license IPADownload 这是一个搜索并下载PP 助手应用市场里的 IPA 文件的工具。 所下载的文件仅供逆向工程研究使用。
Hi, I'm struggling to get decrypted IPA for Dungen Squad. I have bought it from my app store however, could not get decrypted version of IPA so I cannot inject IG in it. It's not also included in decrypted iOS IPA App Store as well. Is there anyone who c
Does it perhaps concern that in all the tests I did the IPAs were signed with free apple developer certificates and therefore it was not possible to "sign" all the iPA's entitlements and as soon as the app notices it crashes? Some people on other forums say it's a form of DRM but...
IPASearch 没有越狱 iOS 设备的时候无法使用Clutch等工具砸壳,通常的做法是下载「XX 助手」等盗版应用商店提供的「越狱版」的已经经过砸壳的 IPA 文件。 这是一个搜索并下载PP 助手应用市场里的 IPA 文件的工具。为什么不用 PP 助手客户端而要自己写一个?因为有病。