-- First, open the symmetric key with which to decrypt the data OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY CreditCards_Key11 DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE Sales09; GO -- Now list the original card number, the encrypted card number, -- and the decrypted ciphertext. If the decryption worked, -- the original number wil...
-- First, open the symmetric key with which to decrypt the dataOPEN SYMMETRIC KEY CreditCards_Key11 DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE Sales09; GO-- Now list the original card number, the encrypted card number,-- and the decrypted ciphertext. If the decryption worked,-- the original number will matc...
Must be the same value that is passed to EncryptByKey when encrypting the data. Is 1 if an authenticator was used. add_authenticator is int. @add_authenticator Indicates whether an authenticator was encrypted together with the plaintext. Must be the same value that is passed to EncryptByKey...
-- First, open the symmetric key with which to decrypt the dataOPEN SYMMETRIC KEY CreditCards_Key11 DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE Sales09; GO-- Now list the original card number, the encrypted card number,-- and the decrypted ciphertext. If the decryption worked,-- the original number will matc...
@ciphertext varbinary 類型的變數,其中包含以對稱金鑰加密的資料。add_authenticator 指出原始加密程序是否隨純文字一同包含及加密驗證器。 必須符合資料加密期間傳遞至 ENCRYPTBYKEY (Transact-SQL) 的值。 如果加密程序使用驗證器,則 add_authenticator 的值為 1。 add_authenticator 具有int 資料類型。
DecryptByAsymKey (Asym_Key_ID, {'ciphertext'| @ciphertext } [ ,'Asym_Key_Password'] ) 参数 Asym_Key_ID 数据库中非对称密钥的 ID。 Asym_Key_ID 具有 int 数据类型。 ciphertext 使用非对称密钥加密的数据字符串。 @ciphertext varbinary 类型的变量,包含使用非对称密钥进行加密的数据。
⚡ Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings, and crack hashes ⚡ - Ciphey/Ciphey
DecryptByAsymKey (Asym_Key_ID , { 'ciphertext' | @ciphertext } [ , 'Asym_Key_Password' ] ) 参数 Asym_Key_ID 数据库中非对称密钥的 ID。Asym_Key_ID 的数据类型为 int。 ciphertext 使用非对称密钥加密的数据字符串。 @ciphertext 这是类型为 varbinary 的变量,其中包含已用非对称密钥加密的数...
• The app encrypts your text and decrypts encrypted text with the correct password. • AES 256-bit is used for encryption. Key derived with PBKDF2 using a 32-bit random salt and the specified plain key are used for encryption/decryption of the text. ...
密钥ID。如果请求中的KeyId参数使用的是密钥别名、密钥ARN,在响应中也会返回密钥ID。 RequestIdString475f1620-b9d3-4d35-b5c6-3fbdd941423d 本次调用请求的ID,是由阿里云为该请求生成的唯一标识符,可用于排查和定位问题。 PlaintextStringSGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= ...