ansible-vault automatically decrypts the file and provides a temporary plain-text version. After making the necessary changes, the file can be re-encrypted to ensure the confidentiality of the data.
serversideup/ansible-vault-automator Sponsor Star21 Code Issues Pull requests Easily encrypt, edit, and decrypt files through Finder (rather than command line). When you choose to edit an encrypted file, you can edit it directly in Sublime Text 3 instead of nano or vim. ...
ANSIBLE_VAULT_DECRYPT_IS_ERROR=false ansible-inventory -i vault/file_vars/inventory.ini --list --export [WARNING]: You are running the development version of Ansible. You should only run Ansible from "devel" if you are modifying the Ansible engine, or trying out features under development. ...
(vault.yml) … encrypted file byansible-vault Raw $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 34383734303865616238613030383336356436356464393262313134633466376662656561393736 6538646130303039383939636538363163633031636635650a373436353337363936653539376233 32323835396235313633666465383337323239666637333136613831303735663766316637666439 3839356632663538310a35666432636362313...
Then link thecryptr.bashfile to your bin folder using command: $ sudo ln -s "$PWD"/cryptr/cryptr.bash /usr/local/bin/cryptr That's it. It's time to see some usage examples. Let us encrypt a file called "test.txt". To do so, run the following command from your Terminal. Cryp...
ansible-vault decrypt '$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256...' test is displayed as the result harrytruman Feb 28, 2018 • edited ansibotaddedbugand removedbug_reportlabelsMar 1, 2018 Also happens when I encrypt a file in the Ubuntu container and try to decrypt it on MacOS. Member...
--- - hosts: localhost gather_facts: false vars: testvar: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 REDACTED testvar_json: "{{ testvar | to_json }}" testvar_yaml: "{{ testvar | to_nice_yaml }}" tasks: - name: Print results ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "JSON: {{ testvar_json }...