In this code when i add text container and add text that time the keyboard open and if keyboard open the size of stack image is decrease but not container size and position change. class_TextFieldStateextendsState<TextField>{latedoublefontSize;@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context...
maxSize / actualWidth : maxSize / actualHeight; actualWidth = (int) (actualWidth * ratio); actualHeight = (int) (actualHeight * ratio); // setting inSampleSize value allows to load a scaled down version of the original image options.inSampleSize = calculateInSampleSize(options, actualWidth, actual...
the framework has some png file, so I add in the Assets.xcassets, I build the framework using "Generic iOS Device" so that the formwork can show the image which in Assets.xcassets in any iPhone platform which iOS version ">=iOS 9.0", but the file in the framework bundle ...
{// we could also directly create a Bitmap in memory, however this caused problems/failed with *some* movie files// when I tried it for the MMPreview, while this method works always - so I'll continue to use this onelongnFullBufferLen =sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + size;char* buffer ...
After window is expanded, trying to decrease window size.Attachment: 2.png (image/png, text), 69.95 KiB.[28 May 20:11] Rick Bargerhuff Hello Ashwini Patil, I have include 2 screen shots of the issue. First screen shot is before any resizing of the windows takes place after a clean ...
The client/server of frp-panel must be able to connect to the official frpc/frps service. In this way, both configuration file and non-configuration file modes can work perfectly. Overall, the architecture is quite simple. ![arch](doc/arch.png) ### Development The project includes three ...
A summary of the general characteristics of each study included can be found in table 1 available in the additional material [Additional file 2. Figure 1 Flow chart of the study selection process. Full size image Quality assessment Figure 2 shows the results of the quality assessment. Sequence ...