With the recent Windows 10 update, my Outlook 365 folder pane width has changed, width has increased and cannot be decreased. Is anyone facing this issue? I googled for help but no one has any solutions. I chated with a Microsoft Rep and he also could not help me and suggested I post...
Hi All, Currently in our Azure AD tenant the "Maximum number of devices per user" is set to unlimited. I want to decrease this number to 20 a per MS recommendation. The problem I have, that I c... Navigate to Devicespane, clickDevice settings. Maximum number of devices per user. ...
ChristianBergstromYou need to edit the registry pretty much every time you restart outlook until they fix the problem. Those keys are set when office "calls home" - so it might work for couple of restarts then not. It's not whether the fix is user-friendly as its not one Microsoft would...
Fortified (10% reduced damage taken) and Low Profile (5% increased damage taken), have been the worst additions to this game. While I understand the hitbox... - 8553089
everytime I toss his ultimate at a team in an open area they simply just move out of it I feel like his ultimate needs a increased area distance not alot but alittle or atleast go through multiple floors maybe 2-3 floors max however his gas traps themselves seem fine if placed ...
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