The distribution of the values of the secular decreases of brightness is not in agreement with the trends in nongravitational effects. More probably, the observed secular decrease is connected with the apparent magnitude of the comet and with the influence of instrumental effects upon it....
The Happi Focus Trainer can also control the size, brightness, and volume of a DVD or video of your choice, dimming and then stopping them when you aren’t doing well. People enjoy the positive feelings from the training experience, and the improvements from this brainwave biofeedback training...
Brightness BringForward Bringtofront Brokerpriority BrowseData BrowseDefinition BrowseNext BrowsePrevious BrowserLink BrowserSDK Pincel BrushXFormArrow BubbleChart Bug BuildCollection BuildDefinition BuildDynamicValueGroup BuildErrorList BuildMatchAllFilter BuildQueue BuildSelection BuildSolution BuildStyle BulletList...
The Happi Focus Trainer can also control the size, brightness, and volume of a DVD or video of your choice, dimming and then stopping them when you aren’t doing well. People enjoy the positive feelings from the training experience, and the improvements from this brainwave biofeedback training...
Brightness BringForward BringToFront BrokerPriority BrowseData BrowseDefinition BrowseNext BrowsePrevious BrowserLink BrowserSDK Brush BrushXFormArrow BubbleChart Bug BuildCollection BuildDefinition BuildDynamicValueGroup BuildErrorList BuildMatchAllFilter BuildQueue BuildSelection BuildSolution BuildStyle BulletList...
The application of stepless intelligent control system to LED illuminating brightness in city tunnel. Transp. Sci. Technol. 2009, 1, 92–94. [Google Scholar] Salata, F.; Golasi, I.; Peña-García, A. Financial and environmental impact of combined actions in road tunnels for the decrease ...