Biology definition: Fungi (singular, “fungus”) are members of Kingdom Fungi, such as rusts, smuts, yeasts, mildews, molds, and mushrooms. They are eukaryotic organisms. They are characterized by the presence of chitin in the cell wall as opposed to the cell wall of plants and some bact...
2008,Soil Biology and Biochemistry Minna-LiisaRantalainenJariHaimiHannuFritzeTainaPennanenHeikkiSetälä Although the natural habitat of soildecomposercommunities does not fit the definition of natural microcosms as small habitats having clearly defined boundaries (such as soil-rock boundary in moss pat...
What is a Detritivore? Detritivore is an organism which performs the same function as that of a decomposer. They feed on dead plant and animal matter and then digest them within their bodies in order to gain nutrients and energy. In simple words, unlike decomposers, they consume decomposing or...
another type of organisms called scavengers start the decomposing process and facilitate the real decomposing process. Hence, they are essential components of any ecosystem in the recycling of resources. In simple terms, the world would be an unpleasant garbage dump without scavengers and...