开发者ID:skylot,项目名称:jadx,代码行数:15,代码来源:IntegrationTest.java 示例5: checkForNewRelease ▲点赞 2▼ importjadx.api.JadxDecompiler;//导入依赖的package包/类privatestaticReleasecheckForNewRelease()throwsIOException{ String version =JadxDecompiler.getVersion();if(version.contains("dev")) { LOG...
Java 11: dynamic constants Java 12: Kotlin style "switch expressions" Java 14: 'instance of' pattern match and 'Record types' It'll even make a decent go of turning class files from other JVM langauges back into java! JD free for non-commercial use only,http://jd.benow.ca/ ...
1、下载插件 Eclipe的Java Decompiler插件名为JD-Eclipse,插件下载地址http://jd.benow.ca/ 2、安装插件 Ecipse安装JD-Eclipse(即Java Decompiler)插件步骤如下: 打开Help——》Install New Software... 窗口 选择下载到本地的插件压缩包 到此就安装成功了! 3、判断是否插件安装成功 查看Window ——》 Preferences...
DJ Java Decompiler是一款强大易用的java反编译器,使用DJ Java Decompiler你可以反编译class文件并且可以保存为文本文件或其它格式,它可以从已经编译的二进制class文件重新创建最初的源代码(比如说Java applets)。 可以将编译过的CLASS文件编译还原成为Java原始文件,并且不需要额外安装JVM(Java Virtual Machine)或是Java ...
"Java Decompiler", 由 Pavel Kouznetsov开发, 它用C++开发,并且官方可以下载 windows、linux和苹果Mac Os三个平台的可执行程序。 1、安装过程非常简单,在ECLIPSE上的help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install... -> Search for new features to install,单击"New Remote Site..." 在URL栏输入 http:...
JD-IntelliJ is a Java decompiler for the IntelliJ IDEA. Open a Java class file to see the decompiled code. It is based on the famous JD-GUI's core library JD-Core...
De-obfuscators and de-compilers: my favourite Java decompiler is JD-GUI . However, when it comes to de-obfuscators I found the market pretty empty. Most of the tools ask you for a hint (what obfuscation tool was used to encrypt the source JAR) , yet none of them really deliver result...
'example1.class' contains JAVA class 'test1' then Jad will create file 'test1.jad' rather than 'example1.jad'. If you want to specify your own output file name use the output redirection: jad -p example1.class > myexm1.java Option -d allows you to specify another directory for ...
安装非常的简单,help => Software Updates => Find and Install... => Search for new features to install,单击"New Remote Site..." 在URL栏输入http://www.technoetic.com/eclipse/update然后下一步,就可以看到“jode decompiler plugin *.*”了,选上安装就可以了,由于Jode Decompiler是纯Java编写的所以...
这个指令创建'example1.java'文件。特别注意当你同时使用-o和-s选项时,因为JAD会偶然重写你的资源文件。 Jad uses JAVA class name as an output file name. For example, if class file 'example1.class' contains JAVA class 'test1' then Jad will create ...