import redis conn = redis.Redis('', 6379,decode_responses=True)
我们将使用decode_responses参数来演示其工作原理。 importredis# 创建一个 Redis 客户端并设置 decode_responses=Trueclient=redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0,decode_responses=True)# 设置一个字符串键值对client.set('key','value')# 获取并显示值value=client.get('key')print(f'The value...
I ran into a similar problem as #809: I have a redis connection using decode_repsonses=True, but I am also using a 3rd-party package (RQ) that pickles some data and deep in that library I get UnicodeDecodeErrors. I'm kind of stuck because of that library's use of pickled data. Ho...
query="decode_responses=True" ifparsed.queryand"decode_responses"notinparsed.query: query="{}&{}".format(parsed.query,query) elif"decode_responses"inparsed.query: query=parsed.query returnurlunparse( [ parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, parsed.path, ...
guide_target_summary%>%arrange(n_cells)%>%mutate(gene=as.character(gene)%>%as_factor())%>%ggplot(aes(x=gene,y=n_cells,fill=condition))+geom_col(position=position_dodge())+theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45,hjust=1))# Remove cells with guides targeting genes w < 100 cells in...
Hi, I just noticed that PythonParser and HiredisParser implementations differ when you use decode_responses=True and the data returned from Redis is not decodable by the selected encoding. PythonParser raises ValueError while HiredisParser (respectively hiredis-py) returns the original byte string inst...
self.db = SonicV2Connector(host="", decode_responses=True) self.if_name_map, \ self.if_oid_map = port_util.get_interface_oid_map(self.db) self.if_br_oid_map = port_util.get_bridge_port_map(self.db) @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class FdbShow(object): oid_pfx = len("oid...
The problem is that cache backend unpickles values by default, but StrictRedis doesn't. In [1]: from django_redis import get_redis_connection In [2]: get_redis_connection().set("key", "value") Out[2]: True In [3]: get_redis_connection().get("key") Out[3]: b'value' We can...