In Oracle/PLSQL, thedecodefunction has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement. The syntax for thedecodefunction is: decode( expression , search , result [, search , result]... [, default] ) expressionis the value to compare. searchis the value that is compared againstexpression. ...
In Oracle/PLSQL, thedecodefunction has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement. The syntax for thedecodefunction is: decode( expression , search , result [, search , result]... [, default] ) expressionis the value to compare. searchis the value that is compared againstexpression. ...
decode plsql 用法decode函数在PL/SQL中的用法如下: decode(expression, search, result [, search, result]... [, default]) 这个函数的作用是比较表达式(expression)和搜索字(search),如果匹配,则返回对应的结果(result)。如果没有匹配项,则返回默认值(default)。如果没有定义默认值,则返回空值。 例如,如果...
在PL/SQL中编写存储过程时,如果使用DECODE函数,务必确保语法正确。例如,对于表达式DECODE(a_id, '12', '风', '28', '区'),其中的'风'后面缺少了一个单引号,这会导致编译错误。正确的写法应当是DECODE(a_id, '12', '风', '28', '区','找不到对应'),这样可以避免编译错误。DECODE...
在PL/SQL中,可以使用DECODE函数来实现条件判断和返回不同值的功能。DECODE函数的语法如下: DECODE(expression, search1, result1, search2, result2, ..., default) 复制代码 其中,expression是要比较的表达式,search1、search2等是要比较的值,result1、result2等是对应的返回值,default是当表达式不等于任何search...
在PL/SQL中,DECODE函数用于对表达式进行条件判断,类似于IF-ELSE语句的功能。DECODE函数的语法如下:DECODE(expression, search1, result1, s...
You could use the decode function in an SQL statement as follows: select supplier_name,decode(supplier_id,1000,'IBM',10001,'Microsoft','1002','Hewlett Packard','Gateway') result from suppliers; 上面的sql语句相当于下面的IF-THEN-ELSE : ...
In Oracle/PLSQL, thedecodefunction has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement. The syntax for thedecodefunction is: decode( expression , search , result [, search , result]… [, default] ) expressionis the value to compare. ...
decode(a,b,c,d,e,...)如果a=b,则输出c,a=d,则输出e,否则...e.g select decode('a','a','1','b','2','3') from dual 'a'='a' 输出1 select decode('b','a','1','b','2','3') from dual 'b'!='a' ‘b'='b' 输出2 select decode('c','a','1','b...