The decrease in the percentage of people identifying as Christian was more marked for some groups than others. Again, the generational differences are starkest. In the past decade, those identifying as Christian declined by only 2% among the oldest generation. Among the youngest, there are 16% ...
During the second half of the nineteenth century, the frontier was rapidly closing across North America and native peoples—who included, in Canada, the mixed-race Métis—were no longer beyond the borders of advancing "civilization" but increasingly surrounded by it. The population of the United...
This is the first in a four-part series on how the American church came to be in decline and what a way forward could look like.Other articles include "The Decline of Evangelicalism" (Winter 2022), "The Path to Renewal" (Spring 2022), and "The Strategy for Renewal" (Summer 2022)...
For over 30 years, the Church has trusted Barna’s data and insights to help leaders know their city and effectively minister within their context. While in years past Barna offered printed reports on cities, states and the nation, all of this data plus more is now housed onFaithView, an...
About five months after the conquest of Italy, the emperor made a solemn and authentic declaration of his sentiments by the celebrated edict of Milan, which restored peace to the Catholic church. In the personal interview of the two western princes, Constantine, by the ascendant of genius and ...
AMERICA CEASED BEING A MANUFACTURING nation by the mid 1970’s when the bastion of the US economy, the American Steel Mills, were undercut by Japanese “steel dumping.” In 1970, 25% of American workers were in manufacturing. The decline in US manufacturing jobs began to intensify at an ...
theindignationofposterityagainstsuchanatrociousactoftyranny, 2hedwells,withvisibleart,onthesmallcircumstancesofdecorumand paradeasiftheywerethemostimportantparticularsoftheevent. Dr.Robertsonhasbeenthesubjectofmuchblameforhisrealor supposedlenitytowardstheSpanishmurderersandtyrantsinAmerica. ...
Prominent pastor and theologian Timothy Keller has written a new book that targets skeptical people who have some serious questions about Christianity. The book's release comes amid claims that religion in America is burning out and dying, though Keller
The Kennedy presidency was a turning point for WASP America President John F Kennedy has gone down as one of the great Americans of the twentieth century, remembered with a fondness that no other American president since then has managed to equal. It is not just because he was gunned down ...
East Dulwich Tabernacle-The Book of Judges A Christian's Response to Cultural Decline 55:03Frank Finney•7/2/23 New Life Baptist Church-使徒保羅與弟摩氐第二書 3:10-15 Answering Biblical Objections to Postmillennialism 31:18Patrick Hines•6/15/23300+ ...