Example 5: In a C program, use the cursor C1 to fetch the values for a given project (PROJNO) from the first four columns of the EMPPROJACT table a row at a time and put them into the following host variables: EMP(CHAR(6)), PRJ(CHAR(6)), ACT(SMALLINT) and TIM(DECIMAL(5,2...
Below is a function that uses this cursor. CREATE OR REPLACE Function FindCourse ( name_in IN varchar2 ) RETURN number IS cnumber number; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT course_number FROM courses_tbl WHERE course_name = name_in; BEGIN OPEN c1; FETCH c1 INTO cnumber; if c1%notfound then cnumber...
cursor c1 is select * from emp; type emp_cur is ref cursor; emp_rec emp_cur; begin open emp_rec for c1; end; 例外处理的方法如下: declare exception_name EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (exception_name, integer_value); begin if condition1 then -- code if condition1 is true elsif cond...
Specifies that the cursor has sensitivity to changes that are made to the database after the result table is materialized. The cursor is always sensitive to updates and deletes that are made using the cursor (that is, positioned updates and deletes using the same cursor). When the current v...
DECLARE CURSOR 定义 Transact-SQL 服务器游标的特性,例如游标的滚动行为和用于生成游标对其进行操作的结果集的查询。OPEN 语句填充结果集,FETCH 从结果集返回行。CLOSE 语句释放与游标关联的当前结果集。DEALLOCATE 语句释放游标所使用的资源。 DECLARE CURSOR 语句的第一种格式使用 SQL-92 语法声明游标行为。DECLARE CUR...
1、REF CURSOR 当使用显式游标时,需要在定义显式游标时指定相应的 SELECT 语句,这种显式游标称为静态游标。当使用游标变量时,在定义游标变量时不需要指定 SELECT 语句,而是在打开游标时指定 SELECT 语句,从而实现动态的游标操作。 DECLARE TYPE c1 IS REF CURSOR; ...
CURSOR c1 IS SELECT course_number from courses_tbl where course_name = name_in; BEGIN open c1; fetch c1 into cnumber; if c1%notfound then cnumber := 9999; end if; close c1; RETURN cnumber; END; Cursor with parameters The basic syntax for a cursor with parameters is: ...
declarexxx cursor 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: declare@c numeric(5,2) declare@c1 int, @c2 int, @c3 int, @c4 int set @c1=0; set @c2=0; set @c3=0; set @c4=0 declarexxx cursor 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: declare@a char(8),@b varchar(10),@c numeric(5,2) ...
declare @c1 int, @c2 int, @c3 int, @c4 int set @c1=0; set @c2=0; set @c3=0; set @c4=0 declare xxx cursor正确答案 点击免费查看答案 试题上传试题纠错猜您对下面的试题感兴趣:点击查看更多与本题相关的试题本题共计 11 个问题 根据下面所给的AAA数据库,写出下列每条查询语句的执行结果,或...
CURSOR cur_job IS SELECT * FROM jobs; 3. 执行其他操作 除了定义变量和游标之外,还可以使用DECLARE语句来执行其他必要的操作。例如,可以使用DECLARE语句来定义异常处理程序。以下是定义异常处理程序的示例: DECLARE ex_no_data_found EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(ex_no_data_found, -1403); 在上面的示例中...