declare: -A: invalid option declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...] 我的脚本如下: #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "BASH_VERSION=$BASH_VERSION" # save current branches in packages as `composer install` may change them to master SCRIPTPATH="$( cd "$( /usr/bin/dirna...
考虑以下bash片段。在其中,我以不同的方式创建了两个关联数组,然后打印了一个条目。 情况1。声明并在一条语句中赋值。按预期工作: make_person() { echo '([firstName]=Bob [lastName]=Black)'; } declare -A person1=$(make_person) echo "${person1[firstName]}" ...
purpleEndurer @ bash $declare +i a#取消变量a的整数属性 purpleEndurer @ bash $a='a' b='b' purpleEndurer @ bash $echo $a $b#显示a和b的值 a 1 purpleEndurer @ bash $ 可以看到,在 声明整数型变量a和b,并初始化其值分别为1和2后,直接给整型变量a和b赋字符串值是无效的。 需要取消变量a的整...
LINUX终端下的贪吃蛇(Snake), 屏保(ClockSaver), 俄罗斯方块(Tetris)游戏(使用Bash shell编写) - 使用多进程适配bash低版本(不支持 declare -A 和 read -t 0.x) · liungkejin/Bash-Games@4b211ad
LINUX终端下的贪吃蛇(Snake), 屏保(ClockSaver), 俄罗斯方块(Tetris)游戏(使用Bash shell编写) - 使用多进程适配bash低版本(不支持 declare -A 和 read -t 0.x) · liungkejin/Bash-Games@b79703d
BashBash Declare Bash employs attributes that can be set by a command to allow type-like behavior, as the bash type system is not robust. Thedeclareis a built-in Bash command that allows you to change the characteristics of variables within your shell’s scope. ...
In Bash, we declare the arrays but with different syntax. We will be discussing the declare “-a” option method to declare arrays in the Bash program.
/bin/bash # 关联数组array1 declare -A array1=(["aaa"]=abc ["bbb"]=bbb ["ccc"]=ddd) echo"打印key=bbb的值:"${array1["bbb"]} echo"打印array1所有的值:"${array1[*]} # 关联数组array2 declare -a array2=(100"abdddd""item")...
Create a bash file with the following script that uses declare command with the -i option to declare an integer variable. If the number value is taken from the terminal, then the input value will be stored in the variable. Otherwise, 0 will be stored in the variable. #!/bin/bash #Dec...
declare 与 typeset 命令都是bash的内建命令(builtin commands),两者所实现的功能完全一样,用来设置变量值和属性。 typeset现已弃用,由declare进行替代,可查看帮助手册: ~]# help typeset typeset: typeset [-aAfFgilrtux] [-p] name[=value] ... ...