Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789) proclaimed legal equality of man. [Fr. Hist.: Payton, 186] See:Freedom Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
declaration-of-the-rights-of-man网络人权宣言;人权法案;以及法国人权宣言 网络释义 1. 人权宣言 其次,发表〈人权宣言〉(Declaration of the Rights of man),作为新秩序的基础。〈人权宣言〉强调天赋人权的理念,揭示主权在 …|基于60个网页 2. 人权法案 法国大革命( The French Revolution...
小明同学在今年暑假期间和父母一起到法国去旅游,在法国的博物馆看到了这样一个文献――《Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen》,是法国大革命时期最著名的文献。它是 A. 《权利法案》 B. 《独立宣言》 C. 《人权宣言》 D. 《法典》...
1小明同学在今年暑假期间和父母一起到法国去旅游,在法国的博物馆看到了这样一个文献――《Declaration of the Rightsof Man and the Citizen》,它是法国大革命时期最著名的文献( ) A. 《权利法案》 B. 《独立宣言》 C. 《人权宣言》 D. 《法典》 2小明同学在今年暑假期间和父母一起到法国去旅游,在法国...
必应词典为您提供Declaration-of-the-Rights-of-Man-and-of-the-Citizen的释义,n. 人权和公民权宣言; 网络释义: 人权宣言;
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen(1789) The representatives of the French people, organized as a National Assembly, believing that the ignorance, neglect, or contempt of the rights of man are the sole cause of public calamities and of the corruption of governments, have dete...
无论宣言大而化之的宽泛表述是否有价值,毫无疑问是在宣言的影响下,个人的公共权利(the public rights of the individual)的观念在欧洲大陆国家的实证法中发展了起来。直到宣言出现之前,在公法文献中我们可以找到政府首脑的权利,某些阶层的特权,个人或某些特别团体的特权,但是臣民的普遍权利则只能以对政府的义务的形式...
inthepresence andundertheauspicesoftheSupremeBeing,thefollowingrightsofman andofthecitizen: Articles: 1、Menarebornandremainfreeandequalinrights.Socialdistinctions maybefoundedonlyuponthegeneralgood. 2、Theaimofallpoliticalassoc...
1) Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) 人权宣言例句>> 2) Universal Declaration of Human Rights 世界人权宣言 1. The emergence and significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; 《世界人权宣言》的产生及意义 2. Human rights is inherent to mankind as ...
VI.CHAPTER VII.CHAPTER VIII.CHAPTER IX.The Declaration of the Rights of Man and ofby Georg JellinekThe Project Gutenberg EBook of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and ofCitizens, by Georg Jellinek This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost norestrictions ...