Advisory Opinion on the Request by the Pan African Lawyers Union Regarding the Compatibility of Vagrancy Laws with the African Charter of Human and Peoples' Rights and other Human Rights Instruments Applicable in Africa (Afr. Ct. H.P.R.) On December 4, 2020, the African Court on Human and...
cooperationandthecoordination of international projects and ensure that the priority areas identified by the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental MeetingontheNewESCAP Subregional Officesfor East andNorth-East Asia, North and Central Asia, and South and South-WestAsiaare fully ...
Yes No 1a During the year, did the foundation (either directly or indirectly): (1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? . . . . . . . 1a(1) (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) ...