Popular Meta Decks The latest Yu-Gi-Oh! Meta Decks uploaded toygoprodeck.com. Previous PageNext PageReset Meta Decks $72.80 210 930 Blue EyesBlue Eyes Deck Jpburke008 - 1 hour ago 10 Meta Decks $98.03 390 990 Supreme kingGg Layj1 ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Dinosaur deck build (2023) If you’re sick and tired of meta decks and are looking for a fast-paced deck that can be really fun to use, perhaps the Dinosaurs can help you out. While Dinosaur decks in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, for the most part, don’t focu...
One of the strongest iterations of the deck right now is the Runick Spright build, according to the tier list on Yu-Gi-Oh! site Master Duel Meta. This strategy revolves around using the Spright archetype to set up a board with multiple negates, while also attempting to deck your opponent...
A Master Peace of Lore: The Dracoslayer and True Draco Lore in Yu-Gi-Oh's Meta (Part 1) As the Duel Terminal lore ended, Konami decided to experiment and start a new story with their cards, but how did they do in the meta? Crunch$G - 1 week ago 1,313 0 Article Literary An...
Member sinceOct 2023 Last delivery3 months Languages Italian, English I enjoy play Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm playing competitive from 9 years and I am currently available for YU-GI-OH's decklists, whatever they are and of any format (including Master Duel). If requested, i can coach anyone for co...
Konami has announced an upcoming new product in their Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game line. A new structure deck based on the deck of Yu-Gi-Oh 5D?s Jack Atlas, who is the former rival and then companion of 5D?s protagonist Yusei Fudo. This deck will be anchored by the destructive ?Red...
yu-gi-oh yugioh yugioh-tcg ygoprodeck ygoprodeck-api Updated Jan 31, 2024 Python magicDGS-gaming / ygoprodeck-openapi Star 1 Code Issues Pull requests OpenAPI Description of the YGOPRODeck yu-gi-oh yugioh ygo ygo-api ygoprodeck yugioh-api ygoprodeck-api Updated Jun 26, 2023 Mak...
Pride and Soul, Bonds and Unity, Dogmatika Blue-Eyes|CDP: Blue-Eyes Mulcharmy with Eyes of Blue|CDP: Blue-Eyes Millennium Exodia|CDP: Yubel Starfrost, with Rose Dragon, Fleur, and Blue-Eyes|CDP: Blue-Eyes in 2023|CDP: Chambermaiden of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Fusion|CDS: Advent Ritual...
Submitted May 14th, 2023 • Skill: United Pendulums • Tournament: Main Phase (2nd Place) • Price: 29000 gems
2023-07-13 22:41 UTC 甲板编号: 239039 建议: Lissandra // Taliyah meta 非法信件 法力曲线 246802468 颜色 Freljord55%Shurima45% 相关信件 麗珊卓 冰葬 麗珊卓 final level 靈魂烈焰 百年一瞬 永凍墳地 時鐘機器人 旋舞飛岩 急速冰凍 庖丁解牛 幽影碎冰 審判之重 寒冰護衛的奴魔 守望者 塔莉雅 岩石...