Integration Information: If your School chooses to integrate Pear Practice Offerings with other Integration Offerings (e.g., integrate with other School software with Pear Practice), then we will collect the information necessary to integrate and perform our Offerings, including unique identifiers (e....
"Of course, sir," the First Officer said. From any other man it would have been a brag, and perhaps a faintly insulting one at that. From Spock it was simply an utterly reliable statement of fact. He was already on the intercom to the lab section. "Captain," Uhura said. Her voice...
There might be a separate communications deck, which is generally called a "radio shack", crewed by a communication officer whose nickname is "Sparks." If this is a military spacecraft this might be the place for the safe containing the code book. Hit the red "incinerate" button to keep ...
The third piece is:Don’t over-practice.When you over-practice, you end up with a script. If you use Haiku Deck properly and you build it around your key points and strong imagery, even if you just take a glance at a screen, or you have a confidence monitor, you should be able to...
Shipping is a cyclical industry, the boom led to a bust and thereafter, ships without a viable business. Now, the demand for a senior officer is still there but as far as junior officers are concerned (including cadets), companies ask for experience without even considering that the exp...
We recommendCanvaas a free, easy, impressive way to put together handouts. Canva allows you to generate all kinds of different content, and it makes you look like a design god with very little effort on your part. Here’s an example made by our Chief Inspiration Officer, Catherine: ...
The officer assuming the role of Conning Officer does so by announcing "I Have The Conn". Things get even more complicated if the spacecraft is traversing cluttered space. Somebody will have to keep watch on radar or other scanner, and warn the pilot if a meteor or wayward spacecraft is ...